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Volunteers needed for Atlas Trial from Above the Tie

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Thanks everyone, you were so gracious to offer your time. It was hard but the testers have been chosen. They are; bravoure, railroadman, alex2363, sychodelix, codfish and matt. The process will be the same as with the Titan. Atlas razors with all three heads will be shipped to the testers. They will use them for a week and then post their findings here. The razors will ship out Friday. They will likely start sharing their initial impressions right away so stay tuned!
I don't know if a week is long enough to test 3 different razors. I would still love to hear the opinions of the testers on the M1 and R1 heads.
I will try and do my best guys! I'm expecting to spend 1 day with the H1, 2 with the R1, and 4 with the M1 as I love mild razors.
I will try very hard to give my best, honest, unbiased and uncompensated review so other members can have a idea of what to expect.
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