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Vito's - Where to buy

I'm in the USA (NY). Which website offers the lowest price with delivery for the 1kg brick? Doesn't matter where in the world.

Vitos Extra Super Shaving Soap​

So no answers? Wow. I purchased a brick right before Covid hit in 2019 from some British supplier but I don't remember the name bc I didn't bookmark it. I think I paid $23 w/delivery.
So no answers? Wow. I purchased a brick right before Covid hit in 2019 from some British supplier but I don't remember the name bc I didn't bookmark it. I think I paid $23 w/delivery.
Patience has rewards. The UK supplier was probably Connaught Shaving, but they don't carry Vitos currently. Take a look at Gifts & Care; good selection and you can make the decision on how much to order to "make" the shipping costs reasonable. :001_smile
Well you said anywhere from…

On eBay.it you can find lots as low as 11something per kg but you should team up with some friends.

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