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Vintage Yardley Shave Soap

I wrote that or one like it, which was after a single use. I've put more mileage on it since then, and My Mileage Varied. At this point, I don't detect a difference. If you see Paislay's up for sale, by all means pick it up, and if you get the original bakelite bowl with it, all the better.

There was a BIN on a set (like the yardley set) of Paisleys a couple weeks ago. It was in the $80-90 range if I remember right. I offered the seller like $50 and he turned it down. It might still be there.

Edit: As of 1:42 EST it is there. $82 shipped BIN. Search title only and use the terms "art deco paisley's".
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There was a BIN on a set (like the yardley set) of Paisleys a couple weeks ago. It was in the $80-90 range if I remember right. I offered the seller like $50 and he turned it down. It might still be there.

Edit: As of 1:42 EST it is there. $82 shipped BIN. Search title only and use the terms "art deco paisley's".

...well, that one's mine, now - I caught it & bought it without even seeing this thread. I know I paid more than it's worth [to you] - please don't point that out!

the question: is it worth it or not? [to me, yeah] - intrinsically, I dunno. I like to try Old Soaps (& Old After Shaves & Old Colognes - thus the particular lure of that Paislay's set).

Another member said it in a different thread: my cash, my call.

Hell, I can't say NEW AOS or C&S or Pen's or or or or... is worth it. (And how much MORE worth it? My $10 Monsavon is great. My $75 Yardley's is great. I don't really love the C&S, but I'm still in flight testing. They might all suck if I lived in a house with hard water. I dunno.)

This whole wetshaving thing to me has become a lot more of a hobby than a daily chore - and I want to try different components in different combinations - so if I have the $$ when something comes available, I'll go for it. Is a $200 Toggle 10X "better" than a $20 SS? (Maybe it is when you're using Yardley SS!)

Incidentally, I'm with Evan - I too have tried a lot of different soaps, old & new - the Yardley's makes my face feel best. (But the Courtley is really good, too. So is Avon - yup, Avon.)

I can't wait to try the Paislay's.

...and I want Kanon (spelled right, Evan?).

And I'm certain I'll pay way more than it's worth when I find it.

do you realize that people pay THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for Hotwheels? And for baseball cards...? ...and for BOOKS! ...and wine, too. Why not a C here and there for shaving soap?
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FWIW, I have a pretty extensive soap collection -- both vintage & modern. For me, the Yardley/Wrisley soaps I have easily outshine everything else in terms of lather, cushion, protection, and post-shave-face-feel.

Re the auction price -- yeah, it's a lot of $$. Is it inflated? Absolutely. Is it worth it? Well, "worth" is a relative term. This is a classic case of supply & demand. There ain't much of it & lots of people want it, so the price skyrockets. The fact that it's "just soap" doesn't have much to do with it.

Well said Evbo. My Wrisley tub is great, easily an antique at over 50 years old, an amazing latherer etc but "worth" is in the pocketbook of the buyer!
Well, having paid a three figure price for a mint condition NOS Yardley Shave soap I guess I'm guilty of contributing to vintage shave soap inflation! I should apologize but to be honest I would do it again!
Well, having paid a three figure price for a mint condition NOS Yardley Shave soap I guess I'm guilty of contributing to vintage shave soap inflation! I should apologize but to be honest I would do it again!

Hey...dont apologize...you obviously really wanted it...it is some of the best stuff on the market!

If the "market" is the entire space-time continuum that is :lol:
Incidentally, I'm with Evan - I too have tried a lot of different soaps, old & new - the Yardley's makes my face feel best. (But the Courtley is really good, too. So is Avon - yup, Avon.)

Avon is GOLD stuff. They made my english leather shave soap. One of the best I've used AND it still has scent. I would pay $50 for that stuff. I find it way better than Wrisleys. That's why there's more than one soap maker. If everyone liked the same stuff the only soap available would be tabac. :thumbup:
Avon is GOLD stuff. They made my english leather shave soap. One of the best I've used AND it still has scent. I would pay $50 for that stuff. I find it way better than Wrisleys. That's why there's more than one soap maker. If everyone liked the same stuff the only soap available would be tabac. :thumbup:

I have a Brit Avon soap - Today's Man - and the more comon Gentlemen's Regiment. Both are fantastic.
So Avon made a decent soap, eh? I've seen hoards of Avon stuff at antique shops and passed over it assuming nothing of value could be found. I'll have to start looking closer. Is any of their shaving soap to be avoided?
...and I want Kanon (spelled right, Evan?).

And I'm certain I'll pay way more than it's worth when I find it.

Close enough. Kanøn, actually. And I hope you find it -- it's "worth" every penny. And you'll probably have to lay out quite a few of them. :tongue_sm

do you realize that people pay THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for Hotwheels? And for baseball cards...? ...and for BOOKS! ...and wine, too. Why not a C here and there for shaving soap?

It's so funny you say that -- I was thinking the exact same thing while reading this thread. Hey, we're collectors (some of us). And collectors are willing to pony up for rare stuff, especially if it's good. When it comes to cost, the opinions of others don't really mean an awful lot. As you & others have said, your cash, your call. :thumbup1:
WARNING: Necro-thread revival.

After reading this thread, I was pretty excited to win this auction:


£25 for an unused tub of vintage Yardley. Not bad, huh? I paid immediately.

Then the seller, who voluntarily listed this on eBay as a BIN without any threats, duress, or other forms coercion, apparently did her own internet research.
The result? She cancelled the transaction.
I've made more than a few mistakes on eBay, including selling for too little or buying for too much. I'm not, however, willing to sell my integrity for a few quid.
I emailed the seller, but she did not have the courage to reply. The worst part is that eBay won't even let me leave feedback.
WARNING: Necro-thread revival.

After reading this thread, I was pretty excited to win this auction:


£25 for an unused tub of vintage Yardley. Not bad, huh? I paid immediately.

Then the seller, who voluntarily listed this on eBay as a BIN without any threats, duress, or other forms coercion, apparently did her own internet research.
The result? She cancelled the transaction.
I've made more than a few mistakes on eBay, including selling for too little or buying for too much. I'm not, however, willing to sell my integrity for a few quid.
I emailed the seller, but she did not have the courage to reply. The worst part is that eBay won't even let me leave feedback.

Call your Congressman and ask him to engage the State Department.
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