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Vintage vs New Razors

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
But what you are getting is a razor built like a tank unmatched in build quality by anything built today. Most Vintage Gillette's shave today just as well as the day they first left the factory: the solid construction means very little can go wrong.
Granted....but John, is there a Gillette model that has at least a 3 1/2in handle (I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists making it very difficult to handle smaller handles)?

Christopher :badger:
The consensus here (with reasonable exceptions) seems to revolve around: a) working on your technique, b) exploring a blade sampler, and c) sticking with vintage razors (albeit ones that are decent shaving shape).

This has essentially been my experience in my short journey (so far) in wetshaving. I started out with a late 40's Fat Handle Tech, and a '66 Lady Gillette (pretty close to being an SS with a long handle). Tried a variety of blades and eventually decided on Iridiums as being a good match for my razors. My technique grew in fits and starts and I did learn to cut down on the number of variables in any given shave (or week of shaves). Only recently did I feel like my technique had plateaued enough to warrant looking at more aggressive razors. I was fortunate to find a '59 Fatboy and a 30's Ball Handle New, both of which are more aggressive than my original razors. I subsequently traded the old razors for some cash and a brush that I fancied. Although the razors are more aggressive, I now find that the new razors are allowing me to learn more about my technique and continue to make improvements.

Bottom line for me #1: Technique is the master - everything else is driven by it. A lot of the old hands around here will tell you that they can get a great shave with almost any combination of hardware and software. But...

Bottom line for me #2: Sometimes a change in hardware or software can help #1. So if you want to change, to do it - just don't change too many things at once.

Bottom line for me #3: I've never had a new razor, but vintage has done me well at minimal investment.
Granted....but John, is there a Gillette model that has at least a 3 1/2in handle (I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists making it very difficult to handle smaller handles)?

Christopher :badger:

Try a Schick Krona.

Wonderful razor with a long handle.

I really like mine and you can get them very cheap also.

I was kind of tired of butterfly doors but I am enjoying this razor.
So far I have been using the german Wilkinson blades that Wal-mart carries. I thought I would go through a pack of these before branching out into different blades.

I have a pack but haven't tried any yet.

You definitely want to try different blades before you try to start making sense of anything else.

Some blades just plain don't work for me and a different blade in the same razor makes all the difference.
I have quite a few razors now.

I like them all, but I think I'd have to vote for Vintage when it comes down to it.

Plus, if you are patient, you can get them dirt cheap.
Get a blade sampler pack from West Coast and keep at it. The old ones are way better built than what you can buy for under 50 bucks today.
I collect vintage razors, but I SHAVE with modern Merkurs ... they just seem to give me a better shave.

If I were in the market for a new razor, I'd look at the Edwin Jagger or Muhle lines ... I just wish they came with a longer, heavier handle.

Remember, too, there are numerous craftsmen that will custom-make a razor to your specs. They can be pricey, but you'll get a top-notch piece of gear.

I wouldn't recommend a custom razor for a newbie, though. You have to sample some of the mainstream standards before you find out what you want in a model that's made just for you.
Since vintage open combs are my passion and can be had in poor condition for cheap.
with very little effort and almost pennys they can be made into fantastic razors,longer weighted handles make them a joy to use.
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If you can't get a decent shave with a superspeed and are applying pressure, your angle is probably off.
-- Chet
I have new Merkurs and vintage Gillettes and I like em all.

Last week I was travelling so I only had my 1965 Slim Adjustable with me. I had one of my best shaves ever (using the Valobra stick and an Omega Lucretia Borgia brush)

This week I'm back with the full harem and my Merkur 23C with a Feather blade has been impressing me all over again.
Granted....but John, is there a Gillette model that has at least a 3 1/2in handle (I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists making it very difficult to handle smaller handles)?

Christopher :badger:

You should consider a Gillette Super Adjustable. Nice long handles and a really effective head.
Granted....but John, is there a Gillette model that has at least a 3 1/2in handle (I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists making it very difficult to handle smaller handles)?

Christopher :badger:


The Lady Gillette has a 4" handle. The head is very much like a SuperSpeed (Some say it has a slightly lower profile. I've not owned a SuperSpeed so I can't say.) In my experience it was a mild shaver, but effective. I could get BBS in about 4 passes with it. Vintage prices are fairly reasonably for the light blue handled models as they are the most common.
Granted....but John, is there a Gillette model that has at least a 3 1/2in handle (I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists making it very difficult to handle smaller handles)?

Christopher :badger:

Try a Gillette Slim Adjustable or a Gillette Knack.

Also, many Schick Injector razors have longer handles.

There are probably others, but these are the ones I have in my collection.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Try a Gillette Slim Adjustable or a Gillette Knack.

Also, many Schick Injector razors have longer handles.

There are probably others, but these are the ones I have in my collection.

Try a Schick Krona.

Wonderful razor with a long handle.

I really like mine and you can get them very cheap also.

I was kind of tired of butterfly doors but I am enjoying this razor.

You should consider a Gillette Super Adjustable. Nice long handles and a really effective head.


The Lady Gillette has a 4" handle. The head is very much like a SuperSpeed (Some say it has a slightly lower profile. I've not owned a SuperSpeed so I can't say.) In my experience it was a mild shaver, but effective. I could get BBS in about 4 passes with it. Vintage prices are fairly reasonably for the light blue handled models as they are the most common.

Thanx guys for your comments / ideas and I'll take it under advicement for the future. I did have a Gillette (can't remember the model), many moons ago, but have since really liked new razors (I have Merkurs 23C & 38C). :thumbup1:

Christopher :badger:
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