I still have a lot to learn when it comes to honing. I know the "sharpest" edge will not necessarily have the best feel while shaving. My question is what stone would have a finer grit than .25 diamond spray. Being we are basically using finer and finer abrasives to polish the edge. I am currently finishing on pasted strops and getting great shaves. I would like to try a good finisher though. My face doesn't seem to be as sensitive as most here. I have had two razors that were honed by vendors respected on this site and barely notice the difference between their edges and mine. Thanks guys. I love these threads. I have learned a lot from y'all.
You have found the real crux between different honing methods and what causes us our endless "controversy." Different abrasives leave different finishes on the edge. It is more complicated than it first appears. On a microscopic level all abrasives leave scratches in the blade steel. Diamond scratches are different from Crox scratches are different from Jnat scratches etc. How those scratches feel on our face both during and after the shave affects how we feel about a particular edge. That is why one shaver will prefer a very very sharp Jnat edge over a very very sharp film edge and vice versa. The same thing happens in the DE world all the time where everyone has their own favorite blade, but for us getting the ideal edge involves a fair amount of work so occasionally we get a little defensive about our particular favorite. I am a coticule guy and to a quarter micron diamond paste guy my edges would feel poor by comparison. Those diamond edges would feel equally poor to me. We bring tons of math and and well thought out theory and practice to the process, but the last step of shaving is always dependent on feel and perception on an individual level.