Si puo modellare il sapone come se fosse la plastilina e premerlo giu nel fondo della ciotola. Questo fa si che c'e piu spazio sopra il sapone per caricare il pennello bene.
I also happen to love Mystic Water soaps, and have nearly every wonderful scent. Fortunately, they've always been easy for me to produce a rich, luxurious lather, and Michelle's scents are second to none. There are some soaps that are easy to lather under almost any condition or skill level, such as Petal Pusher Fancies (I can't get enough of their coconut soap!), while others seem to be dependent upon water hardness, temperature, and a multitude of other factors. There are so many wonderful products available today, that it's easy to find several that work for you. I would much rather read about someone's experience with the soaps that work for them, than constant criticisms of the one's that don't.
I have to really REALLY work at getting a good lather from MW soaps. I have to need a lot of zen and have a lot of time to make these soaps work, but I like the result when I put in the effort. I have heard that adding a drop or two of glycerin to artisanal soaps that are hard to lather will make a better foam. Anybody know it there is any truth to this rumor?
Also, I need to give Michelle props for the wonderful bath soaps and shampoo bars she makes. And now (drum roll please!!) I can say that MW hair oil is the absolute best at keeping my hair looking great!