I'm looking for something in the right scale, say increments of .001" or .005". anybody have any good ideas?
You might be able to use the edge of a feeler gauge braced plumb on the base of your set-up.
I'm looking for something in the right scale, say increments of .001" or .005". anybody have any good ideas?
HahaaOne never grows out of the smell of that stuff...... If only they made a perfume for ladies that smells like Play Doh.
ya, clearly there are some 1000 grit scratches still there after stropping. in some cases the chips are where a 1000 scratch hits the edge, in some cases not. so it looks like we are seeing the results of a honing error perhaps combined with a shaving angle error like seraphim says.
I'm not quite sure which side of 8000 grit my jaspers fall on. more testing needed.
the scope comes with a calibration card- basically a transparent ruler with fine markings to set the measurement software to the hardware resolution. unfortunately it only goes down to 16ths of an inch, which is larger than the field of view at 200x. I have a machinist's rule that goes to 50ths, which is marginal at 200x. I'm looking for something in the right scale, say increments of .001" or .005". anybody have any good ideas?