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Unsophisticated drinks

The classic Boilermaker. I like to indulge on occasion but there is nothing sophisticated about a Miller High Life with a shot of Old Grandad dropped in it.
Screwdriver made with Aristocrat (aristocrap as I call it) vodka. This is the downright nastiest vodka I think taste like rubbing alcohol. Drinking this made me feel like a dirty bum.
I never really considered it "low brow" but it certainly gets the job done:

Mai Tai:
1 part each Light Rum and dark rum
1/2 part each Gran Gala (or other orange liquor) and Amaretto
3 parts pineapple juice
squeeze of lemon juice
Shake with ice. Garnish with maraschino cherry and pineapple chunk.

Cosmos aren't bad either -- would be embarrassed to drink one in public though.... ;)
2 parts Vodka
2 parts cranberry juice
1 part orange liquor
1 part lime juice (the "real" Cosmo uses lemon juice, but I think lime juice adds more depth.)
Shake well with ice. Serve "up"
I used to be rather fond of Firecrackers: Black Velvet, OJ, and cranberrry juice.

Now I just drink my whiskey mixed with ice...
It's definitely lowbrow, but I've never been ashamed to admit that PBR is my favorite beer. :biggrin:

Drinks? I'll admit to drinking an Apple Martini once. When I was younger my friend used to make this drink called a Purple Jesus (PJ) made out of (I think) Kool Aid and Everclear. It might have been Aristocrat Vodka for all I know.
Amaretto sour. I love that. Just recently introduced to Lionshark beer, apparently a summer beer. Similar to the taste of corona, in my opinion. Cheap and gets the job done :biggrin:
Drink? Slow Comfortable Screw. Sloe gin, Southern Comfort and Orange Juice. Not something that would be served to James Bond in Monaco.

Even more lowbrow is a drink that I once had at a party. Diet Dr. Pepper and Blackberry Brandy. So foul that it doesn't even have a name. Like a hellish carbonated mix of NyQuil and aspartame--guaranteed to spend very little time internally.
Miller High Life
Miller High Life Lite
Natty Bo
Coqui 900 Malt Liquor
Tequila Sunrise
White Russian
Black Russian
Grass Hopper
Brave Bull
Anything drunk strait from the bottle
Box wine (my new love!)
Old Crow


Probably every military unit, frat house, and motorcycle gang has a version of this . . . mojo is what we called it in the Seabees.

Fill 10+ gallon Igloo water jug with ice and cut up oranges. Add one bottle each whiskey, rum, gin, vodka, tequila and any other damn hootch you happen to have on hand. Everclear optional but always welcome.

Add one large can of Hi-C Hawaiian Punch---I'm not sure it even comes in those big cans anymore, so this part of the recipe may be a little dated.

Let it sit a few hours, dispense from cooler spigot. All you'll taste is the Hawaiian Punch, and about all you'll remember the next day is your first one! :lol:



Whiskey Ginger

But oh-so excellent.

Two more I'd like to add to the list:

One shot Jack Daniels
Fill glass with apple juice

Black Tooth Grin
Johnnie Walker Black Label and Coke

And a bonus: Rigor Mortis!

(To quote a movie:

"And a round of rigor mortis, for everyone!"

"I don't know how to make that drink"

"Pour everything under the bar into a bucket")

Probably every military unit, frat house, and motorcycle gang has a version of this . . . mojo is what we called it in the Seabees.

Fill 10+ gallon Igloo water jug with ice and cut up oranges. Add one bottle each whiskey, rum, gin, vodka, tequila and any other damn hootch you happen to have on hand. Everclear optional but always welcome.

Add one large can of Hi-C Hawaiian Punch---I'm not sure it even comes in those big cans anymore, so this part of the recipe may be a little dated.

Let it sit a few hours, dispense from cooler spigot. All you'll taste is the Hawaiian Punch, and about all you'll remember the next day is your first one! :lol:


We called that "Jungle Juice" when I was in college, except substitute the Hawaiian Punch with any of those frozen juice cans. People ate the fruit too.
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