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Twist-To-Open Exploration

Cartridge / Disposable Razor Exploration Preview 2

Quite interesting looking at these things rather than looking down on them. I’d like to get an early Trac II handle. They’re weightier than later ones and more still than this PII. And I like that Trac II handles continued to be date-coded. This PII handle isn’t but the manufacturing date is printed on the pack, month and year. I’m gonna need to engrave it.

Another funny thing is I’m seeing that these Trac II-type cartridges, and the BIC 2 disposable, use a Schick E3 guard, with the parallel striations; a testament to the design of that type. I’ll have to check the other ones.

Another thing. It appears that the Pharmasave-branded 5-blade is a Personna Caliber 5. Curious.

More personally, I’ve had an accumulation of snow here for more than a week. It’s been nice. I had to shovel the driveway a few times, which was some work. And I was a bit snowbound for a few days. It had been a week since I ran, I had missed the early, fluffier days in the fresher snow. I was getting concerned. I noticed I was feeling strong through my core and legs, free of discomfort. It’s something I’ve learned: a good effort in an apparently unrelated activity is excellent cross-training for the other. I know this about shovelling snow: it’s excellent cross-training for running. It makes one stronger, along with maintenance exercises.

I made it out for a couple runs these last two days. I don’t usually do back-to-back days but I was feeling good and snow conditions can be forgiving, and sometimes offer improved footing. I could gush about it, I have to say just a little. On Saturday, by the shops, I made it out to my high point before I had to turn on the headlamp. Trotting back on those lightly packed trails, getting darker, in the snow; it was really nice.

I have two pairs of shoes for winter. One is good for fresh and deep. The other is good for packed and icey. I used the second pair. I’ve installed screws for traction, a cheap and old-school trick. Works incredibly well, no sliding at all. And yesterday’s had 500m of elevation gain. Shoes, for trail running, are like razors; and soles are like the blade.

I was a bit more “thoughtful” out there yesterday, in the canyon. And I went longer. These are my home trails, very familiar to me. I still managed to find myself genuinely disoriented a couple few times, with the snowy landscape and extra loops. These are treasured moments.

cart ex pre shoe.JPG
Cartridge / Disposable Razor Exploration One

It’s the 7 O’Clock PII handle and 7 O’Clock PII cartridge.

Cart. / Disp. Ex Shaves Of The Day

: plastic picnic

Brush: Omega 05 boar

Lather: Fendrihan Sandalwood Soap

Bowl: thrift store

Razor: 7 O’Clock PII

Blade: 7 O’Clock PII (1, 2)

Passes: 2 - WTG, combined

After: Clubman Classic

Previous shave with the Futur was close and even. I allowed a second day of growth.

Perhaps a little 1st-shave rough, quite sharp; a couple small spots of irritation. Clubman lit up pretty good in some areas. But a great shave overall. I could say smoother and easier than most Techs in my recent sample; and maybe as close as any. The PII shave seems pretty effective and even. I’m going to give this cartridge another go, see if it smooths out a bit. Maybe all these carts and razors deserve a couple tries.

Cart Ex 1 7 o'clock PII.JPG

Second Shave: Yesterday’s was plenty close, I allowed a second day. Yep, smoothed out quite nice. An easy and close shave. Pretty darn good for a lowly cartridge. 7 O’Clock PII is a win.

Cart Ex 1 7 o'clock PII 2.JPG

And here are some Canadian temperatures this morning. The first is my brother’s in SE Saskatchewan: -34C / -30F. And mine in Vancouver BC: -5C / 22F.

SE Sask temp.JPG Van BC temp.JPG
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Cartridge / Disposable Razor Exploration Two

It’s the 7 O’Clock PII handle and Trac II (Plus) cartridge. Apart from the channel for the Lubrastrip (removed), the Trac II and PII cartridges appear identical.

Cart. / Disp. Ex Shaves Of The Day

: plastic picnic

Brush: Omega 05 boar

Lather: Fendrihan Sandalwood Soap

Bowl: thrift store

Razor: 7 O’Clock PII

Blade: Trac II (1, 2)

Passes: 2 - WTG, combined

After: Clubman Classic

Two days of growth for this shave. The previous shave with the 7 O’Clock PII cartridge was close and even.

The Trac II felt the same as the PII cartridge from the start. I was able to get a very close and smooth shave.

Cart Ex 2 PII Trac II 1.JPG

Second Shave: Two days of growth. Previous shave was satisfyingly close and smooth. I was rushing this shave a bit. Still close and smooth. The Trac II and 7 O’Clock PII cartridges seem to shave the same. I enjoyed these and I’m happy to have this cartridge razor in my arsenal.

I’ve been eyeballing these and the upcoming Bic 2 disposable. The blade angle appears to be closer to SE than DE. This and the whole head in general seem to be very much like the Type E injectors that I am so familiar with. Curious.

Cart Ex 2 PII Trac II 2.JPG
Cartridge / Disposable Razor Exploration Three

It’s the Bic 2 disposable razor. It’s super lightweight, my scale says 5.2 g. I’ve seen them online as Twin or Twin Easy, or as Twin Select in green or Twin Lady etc. in other colours.

Cart. / Disp. Ex Shaves Of The Day

: plastic picnic

Brush: Omega 05 boar

Lather: Fendrihan Sandalwood Soap

Bowl: thrift store

Razor: Bic 2 (1, 2)

Passes: 2 - WTG, combined

After: Aqua Velva Musk

Two days of growth for this shave. The previous shave with the Trac II cartridge was rushed but still quite close and even.

I was slightly concerned about the light weight of the Bic 2. I certainly prefer a heavier razor but it was good. And the light weight frequently contributed to it’s maneuverability, very good high up under nose; and it’s effectiveness on lighter strokes, around jaw. The shave feels close and smooth.

I’ve just got my second aftershave, I had searched out the best cheap one I could find locally. The Aqua Velva Musk seems fine. Initially I would say I prefer the Clubman. The Musk doesn’t seem to have as much alcohol or fragrance but seems to have much more dye. It’s pleasant enough and did it’s job. It may take a few tries to figure out how to moderate the flow from the bottle.

Cart Ex 3 Bic 2 1.JPG

Second Shave: Two days of growth. Previous shave was satisfyingly close and smooth.

Yes, it’s lightweight but it works. I think I got quite a close shave with it. There seemed to be a lot of strokes though. Perhaps getting just a little dull? Smooth but maybe just a little rougher than Trac II / PII. Still, a great shave, as good as most. I’d like to see how many good shaves are in the Bic. It’s going to have to wait; maybe with the previous cartridges in a few months. My schedule of trying these razors and groups is very structured now; I like it, it seems to work real well.

Yes, the cutting angle, or blade feel of the Bic 2, although light, is more like injector than DE. And the AV Musk is getting better, performed a bit more like the Clubman this time and I’m figuring out the flow.

Cart Ex 3 Bic 2 2.JPG
I was slightly concerned about the light weight of the Bic 2. I certainly prefer a heavier razor but it was good. And the light weight frequently contributed to it’s maneuverability, very good high up under nose; and it’s effectiveness on lighter strokes, around jaw. The shave feels close and smooth.
I've gotten really good shaves with these. The head geometry gets into the nooks and crannies on my neck very nicely. I do have to remember to use a lighter touch elsewhere though.
Cartridge / Disposable Razor Extra

This is about other razors I’m interested in. I’m not exactly bored with the disposables but always looking forward.

I’m looking at my collection and which ones I’m thinking of. It’s the group after next; the ‘20s - 40s three-piece Gillettes. These are the razors I would most like to return to.

I’m also Interested in the early Gillette TTOs. It reaches back through the ones I have: the ’48 - 49 SuperSpeed and early ’46 - 47 U.S. Aristocrat; to a razor I don’t have that I’m finding out about: the Ranger Tech. I’m just finding out about it’s predecessor, too, the Sheraton. It’s a bit wrenching because there is a good working Sheraton for sale, just over the way from me, with case; very good price. I absolutely cannot do it. Feeling a little gutted.

Although my interest in modern razors is lower, there are two that I have been thinking of. I’m intrigued with the Muhle R41, maybe more interested in the Muhle Rocca. But I’m seeing the Rocca is quite a bit more expensive.

I absolutely do not need any new razor. It would be many months before I would even shave with it. The Sheraton, however, would fill a nice gap in my collection; in between my New Long Comb on one side and the Aristocrat on the other. And a Ranger Tech.
Cartridge / Disposable Razor Extra

This is about shaving soap. I’m not terribly concerned with soap, or fragrances. I do enjoy lathering though and I try to work the ones I have. And I sometimes read on here about the myriad soaps and blending them, building them, etc. But I’ve been keeping it pretty simple.

In my first DE shaves about ten months ago, I had a couple soap sticks and thought I should make learning them a priority. One was a old, dry Erasmic stick, much too brittle to rub on my face. I cut shards and powder off it with a pocketknife into the bowl a couple times, I think. I remember that dry stuff making a very nice cushy lather. And then it sat.

I’m always thinking of how to work through stuff. I’ve been looking at my soaps, and containers. I think my favourite containers are two Wilkinson that I have. They’re light, fit in the hand well and have a good lid. Good for blooming. I’d like to work through the pucks I have in them, I’ve been focussing on the Fendrihan Sandalwood.

I’m looking at my soap sticks too (3). I’d like to use up the old, dry Erasmic. And I’d like to start using the Arko! and Palmolive sticks before they get old and dry. So I scraped some Erasmic into the Sandalwood bloom in my last shave. It really added to the lather outcome. It sort of increased the loft, seemed to make it lighter, thicker and more slick. Sort of amazing really. I scraped some more in after my shave. I’ll need a name going forward: Erasmalwood.
Cartridge / Disposable Razor Exploration Four

It’s the Gillette Sensor 2 (plus) disposable razor. I removed the Lubrastrip. First pivot razor in the group. It’s significant because it’s the one I mostly used, for decades, before starting with DE razors ten months ago. These are my first return shaves.

Cart. / Disp. Ex Shaves Of The Day

: plastic picnic

Brush: Omega 05 boar

Lather: F. Sandalwood w/ Erasmic

Bowl: thrift store

Razor: Sensor 2 (plus) (1, 2)

Passes: 2 - WTG, ATG neck XTG face

After: Aqua Velva Musk

Two days of growth for this shave. The previous shave with the Bic 2 was close and even.

Fantastic return to Sensor 2! Seemed to be a step beyond the previous twins in smoothness and efficiency. Mind you, I did dig in some, almost irritation. But did very well in the tough areas, as good as any. I’m learning to do light, cutting strokes with the twin blades, all over that tough jawline. Maybe working. I was looking for a ten minute shave; I believe it took 16 minutes from brush-on-face to last stroke. I can remember my time for a quick and crappy shave with this razor used to be seven minutes, all in with canned gel and one pass.

Scraped some old, dry Erasmic into the Sandalwood bloom. Made a thick, creamy loft. Almost have the flow of Musk figured out. Funny, it looks like orange Kool-Aid, or maybe Freshie; and smells a bit like orange Crush. Seems to work though.

Cart Ex 4 sensor 2 1.JPG

Second Shave: Two days of growth. Previous shave with Sensor 2 was also very close and even, perhaps more so.

I wanna say just a little abrasive? It’s very close. It does take a few strokes but they’re light strokes. Aftershave didn’t light up too much. The Sensor 2 is an easy, very smooth shaver.

Cart Ex 4 sensor 2 2.JPG

Yeah, learning how to shave has made all the difference with this disposable Sensor. Which used to be awkward to use.

It wasn’t that my hair is really thick and would clog the blades; that did happen sometimes and took some rinsing. The trouble was continually shaving multiple days of growth. Some longer, more wirey strands would get stuck in a perpendicular way. If I tried to shave it was like dragging pins. I would try to pry them out with my fingernail. I resorted to tweezers! As part of my shave! It was ridiculous!

I’m sure the same would happen if I started shaving 5 days of growth with it all the time again. I wouldn’t do that or need to do that now. Many of my DE and SE razors can cut 5 days like it’s 2. But for a regular, two-day shave? The Sensor 2 is just fine, thanks.
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Cartridge / Disposable Razor Extra

It’s “what I’ve been learning lately”.

I’m enjoying the cartridge / disposable shaves. And I confirmed what I suspected: that they are legitimate razors and fully capable of a close and comfortable shave. Well, the first four of this group certainly are. This last triple-blade cartridge maybe not so much. And I’m sort of bummed. They’re the only cartridge I have for my cool original Sensor handle. New Sensor cartridges cost $5 apiece, I won’t be buying any of those.

I did the research. Apparently genuine Sensor cartridges have tiny, sprung blades; the disposable razor version does not. These current disposables more like previous Good News or even Trac II. The good news is that the Trac II / PII cartridges and Sensor and Bic disposables shave quite well. I just wish I had a good cartridge to use in my Sensor handle. I removed the head from one of the disposable Sensors to see if it would work with the handle but the dimensions of the pivot mechanism are different so no go.

Maybe I’ll find some cheap cartridges some day, or buy the exorbitant ones when I’m back in the money. It’s a bummer that I can’t use the Sensor handle but it’s ok. The fives and tens I have of the others are plenty to keep me in those shaves for a long time. Similar to the SE and injectors I have; those fives and tens and twenties of blades that I have will keep me entertained for many years, between my DE shaves.

And soap. I’m having fun with soap. My interest in it, (and aftershave, blades, etc) has been secondary to learning the razors and how to shave. But now that I’m getting comfortable with razors and shaving, I’m looking at these other things with more interest.

My little epiphany in that regard has been trying a hybrid soap, as described previously. In an effort to get rid of an old dry Erasmic stick, I started adding it to Fendrihan Sandalwood. The Sandalwood is an ok-performing soap. But when I added the Erasmic, the Sandalwood sort of fluffed right up and got slicker. Very fun, with a couple of junk soaps; one in the drawer for decades and the other a half-used hand-me-down from my brother. I’m going to do a similar thing in the coming month with Haslinger Coconut, which I think is quite good, and William’s. Again, both half-used hand-me-downs from my brother.

As ever, buckets of fun on a shoestring. “The man is richest whose pleasures are the cheapest.”
Cartridge / Disposable Razor Exploration Five

It’s my original Gillette Sensor handle with pharmacy-branded 3-blade cartridge. It’s likely these cartridges are Personna Tri-Flexxx. I removed the lubricating strip. I’ve only used original Gillette twin cartridges in this handle, the last time was many years ago.

And it’s the new Fendrihan Sandalwood - Erasmic stick combined soap.

Cart. / Disp. Ex Shaves Of The Day

: plastic picnic

Brush: Omega 05 boar

Lather: Erasmalwood

Bowl: thrift store

Razor: Gillette Sensor

Blade: Personna Tri-Flexxx (1, 2)

Passes: 2 - WTG, ATG neck XTG face

After: Aqua Velva Musk

Two days of growth for this shave. The previous shave with the Sensor 2 was close and even.

The Tri-Flexxx not quite what the previous twins have been. It seemed tuggy at first, not sharp but smoothed out some through the first pass. Pass two was comfortable, ATG on neck went well but not as close there or along jaw. Smooth enough but definitely not as sharp.

Cart Ex 5 tri-flexxx 1.JPG

Second Shave: Two days of growth. Previous shave was good but not as close as the others. A little preoccupied these days, I forgot to use the bowl this shave, although it's in the photo; habits. Soap and brush performing very well though, zero irritation with face-lathering.

I was hoping the Tri-Flexxx would mellow out a bit on this one and shave closer. Not to be. Somewhat tuggy. Couldn’t cut the tough line completely even with extra strokes. Otherwise adequately smooth. Maybe it would perform better with a single day of growth; next time. One more razor to go.

I like the Sensor handle; I wish I had a proper cartridge for it.

Cart Ex 5 tri-flexxx 2.JPG
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Cartridge / Disposable Razor Exploration Six

It’s the Pharmasave-branded 5 blade disposable razor; the last of the group. I believe it could also be called Personna Caliber 5. I removed the lubricating strip. The head of this razor quite larger than the others.

I found that the last Tri-Flexx didn’t perform as well as the previous twin-blade razors. Let’s see how this paddle of a 5-blade disposable does.

Cart. / Disp. Ex Shaves Of The Day

: plastic picnic

Brush: Omega 05 boar

Lather: Erasmalwood

Bowl: thrift store

Razor: Caliber 5 (1, 2)

Passes: 2 - WTG, ATG neck XTG face

After: Aqua Velva Musk

Two days of growth for this shave. The previous shave with the Tri-Flexxx was not as close and comfortable as the previous twin blade razors.

The shave with the Caliber 5 was weird and unfun. It was about 66% more irritating than the Tri-Flexx with no increase in cutting power. Because of the huge paddle head, I tried the trimmer; also weird and unfun. The 2nd pass was less comfortable than the first. It wanted to nick if not cut me. Couldn’t cut the tough line. There were even some missed hairs around my mouth. I don’t want to shave with it again, I’ve never said that about any razors yet. Don’t know what to do.

Cart Ex 6 caliber 5 1.JPG

Second Shave: Two days of growth. Previous shave was mostly close.

Whew. Redeemed. I was worried. I actually considered chucking these Calibers, thought they were a failed design. Like a lot of razors, it smoothed out on the second shave. It wasn’t trying to nick me so much. I had been thinking some about this razor’s operation before the shave, I consciously raised the handle and applied a little pressure to engage the pivot; to get that paddle of a head to lie flat on my skin. It worked. So felt smoother and seemed to cut better. Still not super close but did better on the tough stuff. Not my closest shave at all but sort of comfortable and smooth. Although spared from the bin, this razor is the least in this group.

Cart Ex 6 caliber 5 2.JPG

Well, this Cartridge / Disposable Exploration got very tired towards the end but I stuck it out, as ever. It was very good going back to the Sensor 2, with ten months of “real” wet shaving experience; and looking at some other disposables that preceded and followed the Sensor. And now I can start going through my regular collection again; having just finished trying them all to some extent. Yeah, I’m excited to be cycling through my regular razors again, in more-informed groups, with some experience.
Canadian Rocket Plus Exploration Preview

Ok, this group of razors comprises four iterations of Canadian-market Gillette Rocket, plus a Flare-Tip SuperSpeed. I had the idea because these razors get squeezed from my short-list of fave DEs. As ever, I haven’t used these razors enough. The razors in this group may be on par with the ones on my fave short-list. I’ve had very good shaves with the Aristocrat Juniors. And I suspect that the ’51 and ’52 SuperSpeeds shave as well as the ’48-49, perhaps my best-shaving SuperSpeed so far. I’m curious if the later Flare-Tip compares.

I’ve recently decided to be a three-and-done shaver. Also, I’ve decided to start shaving “Tuck at a Time.” I think this will be a good way for me to use blades in an organized way: use up blades I have a lot of and work through blade samples purposefully. I will be using up the last of my “loose” blades with this group, it’s four 3rd-shave blades. I’ve settled into a 2-shave-per-razor pattern, it’s fun and effective.

1. Aristocrat Junior 2nd gen
2. Aristocrat Junior 3rd gen
3. ’51 SuperSpeed
4. ’52 SuperSpeed gold
5. ’56 SuperSpeed
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