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Trip to Truefitt & Hill London

I was looking forward to getting a straight shave at T&H in August this year; however, after your story and those of others, I may have to reconsider!
The barber shave is really a dead art in the west (notwithstanding the odd Turkish barber etc as mentioned above).

+1. It is mainly a novelty for tourists and people that don't really know what the result of a good shave is supposed to be. It is also often used as a sales tool to try and sell a suite of products.
Last year my GF got me the highest end shave treatment at the Art of Shaving on Madisoin avenue here in NYC - I wasn't a wetshaver at the time (though it might be what inspired me) so I didn't pay too much attention...but I know the shave came out great, with no irritation and no burn and very close...and I know she went over my face several times with balms and lotions and hot towels in between every pass. I could be wrong, but I believe she used a straight - I know it wasn't a DE...but I don't think it was a cartridge...and for that price, I hope not. That was a good experience - so if in NYC, you might look into it.
Thank you for your very interesting post. As a matter of fact, my colleagues have clubbed together to buy me a 'straight razor lesson' at Truefitt & Hill for my birthday. I am touched to have since discovered that this cost them £75. I imagine that the 'lesson' will comprise a discussion on prep, technique, while administering a shave. I have to say, the experiences described in this thread have turned excited anticipation into trepidation! I will certainly be on the lookout for the 'camp' barber, described by Jimmy Fishpaste. I'll report back on my experience here. Good or bad, I will remain grateful to my workmates for their generosity.
In mantics latest video he uses T&H at Las Vagas. He concludes, that for most shavers (non enthusiasts) the shave would be great, while for him at least, he could get better at home with his DE set up. He went on to say, it's not about the shave it about the experience of being pampered. Would he admit to a red raw face after they have given him permission to film inside, perhaps he used discretion on that point and omitted it from his video.
Actually the Vegas shave was fine from the perspective of "comfort"--no nicks, cuts, or burn.

Now the shave I had at T&H in Chicago in 2004 could only be described as "ghastly." However I should note that the T&H store in Chicago was not (at that time) affiliated with T&H corporate.

I have had loads of wet shaves with straights with a disposable blade out in Turkey Antalya and Alanya the good shaves I got were all from proper barbers for men you know the sort of place where not much money is spent on the decor. the ones I had trouble with were where the cut womens hair as well then they would try and sell you a face pack and pedicure.
All cost about £2.50 but looking at the video I will go to efs in London at some stage.
As an update to my earlier post in this thread, I have now had the session at T&H, so kindly gifted by my colleagues.

I am genuinely sorry to hear that so many of you seem to have had a less than satisfactory experience - some seemingly very much less than satisfactory. I can only speak for myself.

The routine I experienced was the similar to that described elsewhere here, so I will not repeat it. But I have to say that I found the shave - if not exactly BBS - very acceptable. I did not come away with any irritation or soreness at all. Mach III blades were not discussed at any point, and any advice given was on the basis of my using a straight at home, and with reference to the particular hair growth patterns on my face. Advice which has proved fruitful in practice since.

A particularly useful tip was to wipe my blade on a towel draped over my left shoulder during shaving (I am right handed).

As to the charge of "snobbishness", I would personally be surprised if it were any other way, considering the establishment sends a barber to shave HM The Queen's husband every day. Snobbishness is all part of the experience.

I will certainly be visiting Truefitt & Hill again - next time for a haircut. I doubt I'll have a shave there again in the near future, if only because I can do this myself at home, and see no reason to splash out rather high fees for someone else to do it. But maybe on a special occasion, perhaps?

All in all, I had an excellent day out - visiting all the major shave shops in the area, and generally enjoying the (rare) London sunshine.
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Sorry to hear about your experience at T & H.

I've never experienced a shave at T & H (in London), although I have received excellent service (and an excellent shave) at Trumper's on Curzon Street...
Thank you for your very interesting post. As a matter of fact, my colleagues have clubbed together to buy me a 'straight razor lesson' at Truefitt & Hill for my birthday. I am touched to have since discovered that this cost them £75. I imagine that the 'lesson' will comprise a discussion on prep, technique, while administering a shave. I have to say, the experiences described in this thread have turned excited anticipation into trepidation! I will certainly be on the lookout for the 'camp' barber, described by Jimmy Fishpaste. I'll report back on my experience here. Good or bad, I will remain grateful to my workmates for their generosity.

Your workmates have been very kind... really!!!

P.s. Nice avatar ;)
I used to get my haircuts at Moler Barber College in Sacramento, CA and if I allowed them to use me as a model; they would give me the "full Monty" consisting of haircut, shave, facial & scalp massage. The student(s) would also pay me $150. to be a model for them at the State Board Exam. They used Personna blades which made me feel I was being skinned and I was told Feather blades worked better but students seldom used them because of cost. From my experience(s), your and my shaves were similar and very unpleasant which is why I no longer go there and am still a wetshaver. I will say that the owner of the college told students that if they could shave me they could shave anyone. Does anyone in the Sacramento, CA area know of any barbers who use a straight razor? I don't think student barbers are taught how to use straight razors nowadays and I cannot recall seeing them used since the 1960s. It seems that based upon my experiences; getting a pleasant smooth shave in a Barber Shop unless the barber is experienced in using a straight razor is wishful thinking.
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