Good for you.
Fluoride is pretty controversial. Even to this day.
Most European countries don't add it to water.
The story behind it is pretty interesting.
The big secret is, you add it to water and it's something you can charge for. You have to 'dispose' of it and you have to treat it as Haz Mat and pay appropriate fees for appropriate disposal if you don't have a source for it. It's a bi-product of big industry. It's toxic waste.
It makes a great rat poison.
I personally am opposed to it. It's a heavy metal and passes the blood brain barrier. Like --- lead or mercury.. It actually occurs naturally in some water supplies. Where many people suffer from poor teeth and a condition known as flourosis. Google it.
Russia used it in their Gulags during the early 20th century to make prisoners more passive and lessen the need for extra guards.
No real accountability for the aggregate affect of fluoride either in food. Lets say you buy food that was made in a facility on a water supply with fluoride in it. Lets say your home water has fluoride in it. Lets say you buy a loaf of bread from a bakery that is on city water with fluoride. Lets say you have some soup or sauce made with water that has fluoride in it.
Add it all up. You don't just get the "recommended" amount the government says is beneficial to teeth, (which they recently lowered this recommended amount), and you see that all of the sudden you're actually ingesting many times a safe level.
Fluoride only 'benefits' teeth in contact. It doesn't work through your blood system. It does accumulate in your body, your brain, your bones, and can cause permanent brown spots on your teeth. It can cause soft bones, and I digress.
If people are informed and knew all the pros and cons I doubt many would want fluoride at all in any form.
There is so much misinformation in this post that I'll just stick with one.
Fluoride is not a heavy metal. It's not a metal at all.