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Tried Burt's Bees Shaving Cream?

Okay I found out what BB is good for
Adding into my mixing bowl when I make a super lather - it has a nice smell and some decent properties for your skin
so it's a good "topping" on top of a competent lather - like MWF . . ..

+1. I've been doing this on occasion in an effort to make some use of the goop, particularly since I paid full retail for it. :cursing:
Are you folks that combine it with soap adding it after you've built the lather? I tried putting a small amount in the bowl and building it into the lather from the start and had a miserable time trying to get it to work. For the past several shaves I've applied a light coat of it over a wet beard, let it sit and when I've got a good lather applying over it. The shaves I've gotten with this proceedure have been extremely comfortable and the closest I've had but I'm trying it with a new blade from my sample pack and I'm not sure exactly how much of the credit is Burt's and how much goes to Personna.
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