I have around 600 or so. I got a pretty good deal on them back when they went on sale for $.07CAD a blade. They're in regular rotation.
I have around 600 or so. I got a pretty good deal on them back when they went on sale for $.07CAD a blade. They're in regular rotation.
after applying some Barbasol cream
and didn't take long at all since all I did was shave with the grain one time. I am totally impressed with how smooth my face feels compared to the generic twin blade razors I was using.
This was very informative and interesting. Thanks for taking the time to write it out!A suggestion.
This was very informative and interesting. Thanks for taking the time to write it out!
I find Treet Platinum smooth myself, so I'm a bit surprised to hear they may not have the coating.
I won 101 Treet blades from @Eric_75 and have found them to be quite good overall. I've tried the Falcon, the King, the Platinum, the Classic and the Carbon Steel. All have delivered pretty well for me. Not up there with Gillette Nacet/Perma-Sharp/7 O'clock Sharp Edge/Astra SP territory but right behind 'em. And a great bargain.As a comment, I never used a Treet blade before last year. However, I found my experience quite enjoyable. Overall Treets are good quality blades. I successfully shaved with the Platinum during week #38 of last year.
My overall evaluation of the nine Treet blades I used last year was that these were the best of the bunch.
Week 52: Blade is the Treet 7-Days Platinum.
I finished up the final shave with one of my TTO razors. This was a particularly excellent shave! Very much so.
In fact, it might be the best final shave I have ever had this or any week shaving with a DE blade.
Amazon is offering the 7-Days blade for $8.99 per-hundred. The photo is showing one bonus blade in each package?
Hard to believe how close it shaved while remaining completely smooth and irritation free. One of those rare perfect shaves.
Before this year, I have never had the opportunity to sample a Treet blade. I have to say, other than my completely negative experience with the carbon steel "Black Beauty", all experiences have been overwhelming positive. I have shaved with nine Treet DE blades this year. That is close to a 1/5 of all shaves.
I take this opportunity to induct two Treet blades into my all time favorite top tier!
These will be the Treet King and the 7-Days I used the King during week #29. Amazon is offering the King for only $7.99/hundred.
Both of these blades represent an extraordinary value in these days of inflationary prices. With the prices of PPI blades skyrocketing and the availability ever diminishing, finding alternatives is of paramount importance in this economy.
If I had to pick one favorite DE blade, it would likely be the Gillette 7-O'clock Super Platinum blades, made in India. These have gone up in price, doubling in the past couple of years. They are now selling for $34/hundred. This is extremely expensive for a blade that is manufactured in India, where the other blades are typically $19 or less per-hundred.
Can't complain, at least they are excellent blades! For $8/hundred, the Treet Kings are by far one of the best blades on the market at this price point. They compare very favorably to the 7-O'clock Platinums. I would also add the Treet 7-Days to this!
Not up there with Gillette Nacet/Perma-Sharp/7 O'clock Sharp Edge/Astra SP territory but right behind 'em. And a great bargain.
If they say "Platinum" they do contain Platinum or one of the Platinum group metals, but usually Platinum.
The blade it self is stainless steel. The Platinum is a few atoms that are deposited on the surface. This is enough to increase the hardness and decrease the resistance of the blade. Usually this results in a smoother shave.
I asked one of my AIs, it responded:Read a reference on another forum where someone said Treet Platinum(s) when tested didn't contain any platinum at all. He theorized the "Platinum" might refer to a level of quality or finish instead. Very interesting if true and it wasn't just a bad batch that missed the finishing at the factory for some reason.
I find Treet Platinum smooth myself, so I'm a bit surprised to hear they may not have the coating.
I'm new to using Treet Platinums, but I'm about ready to dump every other blade in my stash for them, and the post-shave feel I get from them is a big reason why. I hadn't though to try them in my 6S, but I'm certainly going to.I pretty much love all Treets and find them to be amazing blades.
Not because of sharpness, but because of their post shave feel.
Dump your blades my way!I'm new to using Treet Platinums, but I'm about ready to dump every other blade in my stash for them, and the post-shave feel I get from them is a big reason why. I hadn't though to try them in my 6S, but I'm certainly going to.
Well, a gold or platinum credit card is only plastic. It could be all marketing