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Traveling with a DE: Can I Carry On?

I wouldn't risk it. Some people have mentioned that they have no problems. Others have said that they have had their DE confiscated. You should be able to carry on the DE, but no blades. Either mail some blades ahead to your destination, or buy some blades once you arrive.
Most everything I hear these days is that a DE would not be allowed on an airplane. Now, if it did not have a razor blade in it maybe they would let you take it, but maybe not. If they are letting people take razor blades on planes these days then the airport security people are just not thinking, because a safety razor would surely be against policy. But then, DEs are so rare that people might not even think about it, and might just let them go as they woud a Mach3 or a Sensor.
check on the back of your ticket. there should be a number to call....every airport I have been through has been slightly different.(glorious system the TSA has) Just because you were able to take it on the way out, doesn't mean it won't be a problem on the way back. So check your bases from both ends. The word I got last time I flew was they were okay as long as they did not have the blades. Those you have to check and cannot carry on.

I can just picture TSA now:

WHAT!!!!! Shaving Cream in a TUBE???!!!!! Yeah Right!! On the floor face down! Legs spread and hands behind your head!!!

Oh he also has a funky looking Razor of some kind, No one shaves with these anymore, it has to be some kind of weapon.
bearbeard, now thats funny!

Thanks B&B members for your feedback and advice. Guess Ill just have to do the check in thingy
Last summer, when I last traveled, I was informed that I could only bring cartridge razors on board, and I think they limit you to two cartridges or something like that. Still, if you're just bringing your razor for safekeeping, minus any blades, that should be acceptable (at least in the minds of sane people, but I can't vouch for the sanity of the folks at airport security).
Again, thanks for the feedback.

Since I swore never to return to cartridge, Im going to do the check on thingy. I just dont like all the ingrown hair issues that I get via cartridge.

Since I now use an alum block post shave, followed by ASB, Ive had NO skin breakout. I used to get a breakout the second time I used the same cartridge.

Very very happy having found this forum and started using the DE. Ive shared my experiences with a couple friends. They are complaining about ingrown hairs as well, since they use a cartridge. I told them to give the DE a try. We'll see how that goes.

On another note, I had just shaved and used the Musgo Real ASB yesterday, and had dropped off a package at UPS. The guy said the scent reminded him of barbershops of days past, when his dad used to get a shave. He found it pleasing. I told my wife when I got home, and she just rolled her eyes. I know she was thinking that that was just fanning the flames of my recently aquired SCAD, SBAD, and RAD. haha
The TSA website states that: Razor-Type Blades - such as box cutters, utility knives, razor blades not in a cartridge, but excluding safety razors" are NOT allowed.

This is somewhat confusing, no?

Personally, I always check my razor and blades, which is potentially annoying if my baggage is delayed. I figure that even if in theory safety razors and blades are allowed, the security people do sometimes act on impulse. I expect that injector blades would be frowned on as well, since the dispensers are unusual metal objects with moving parts (and playing with them, as security guards like to do, would reveal that they are full of blades!


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Well, I wouldn't travel with any prized possessions from the shave den, and I'd put it all in the checked luggage ... you will not win the argument with airport security, no matter what the legal situation is.

Or mail it ahead, if it's a long trip.
I travel pretty reglarly. I have been stopped twice for my DE razors. The first time, I had razor blades and they were confiscated. I protested as i thought that they were allowed but that did no good. More recently, I was stopped and bags checked because of the DE Razor but, as I had no blades they let it go. Conclusion I draw is DE Razor-Yes; DE Razor blades-No.

I did manage to buy some blades when I was in NY. They were Russian made Gilettes. I suggest if that is your only alternative, use a M3.

I worked for TSA for almost a year before I joined the Marine Corps. DE Razors are allowed but the razor blades are not. Well I should add that was policy when I worked there and I am imagining it has remained the same. I have found several travelers with razorblades. The reason they probably stopped you for your DE Razor because there was no blades was because the operator would imagine that the presence of a DE Razor provokes the necessity for the razor blades.
I worked for TSA for almost a year before I joined the Marine Corps. DE Razors are allowed but the razor blades are not. Well I should add that was policy when I worked there and I am imagining it has remained the same. I have found several travelers with razorblades. The reason they probably stopped you for your DE Razor because there was no blades was because the operator would imagine that the presence of a DE Razor provokes the necessity for the razor blades.

That is probably correct. The inconvenience is a small sacrifice we must make for the troubling times we face. Your sacrifice in the service of our country is admirable. Good luck to you.
1) The official TSA approved list shows that razors can be carried on, but no blades.

2) Last April-May I traveled from Dallas to NYC, then next day to Heathrow, several days later to Berlin, finally back to Dallas out of Frankfurt. No difficulties with my Vision and Futur carry-on. I did have copies of the approved list from the TSA with me, but didn't need it. Airports outside the US, of course, don't have to follow the TSA list. But I had checked with the EU security site, and they allow razors without blades. Not at all sure about other places outside US-EU.

3) If in doubt, inquire at the airport security office before you check your bags. In the off chance that they won't allow you to carry on the razor, you can check it.
Went to Vegas in May. Packed my Futur in my suitcase (w/o blade) and packed a tuck of Murker blades in my suitcase as well. On both flights, no problems.

Sometimes it really does pay to check your bags.
Went to Vegas in May. Packed my Futur in my suitcase (w/o blade) and packed a tuck of Murker blades in my suitcase as well. On both flights, no problems.
Sometimes it really does pay to check your bags.
Except that I hate to check $160 worth of razors. Or my $65 travel brush. I'm usually carrying on other valuable things (digital camera, medicines) anyway. Even if they aren't stolen, or the luggage completely lost, if they just send it to the wrong city you have to shave with a Bic until you can get it back. Yuckk.
I've been traveling with my HD as carry on now for about 6 months,before this I didn't take the chance and just checked my luggage, I keep the razor and the blades separate (I usually bring one or two blades with me in the standard Derby case). I have been questioned once about the razor and that was *** is that, luckily the lady working with him knew it was a safety razor, the guy running the xray machine told me to buy a MACH5.

Since these new rules have come into place the one thing that is consistent is the inconsistencies in the application of the rules. I don't envy these peoples jobs, IMHO these rules are stupid, but I just got hassled over a pair of nail clippers, and they took my almost empty tube of poraso the other day and they didn't even look at the razor blades.
I remember one incident in Frankfurt Germany. It was my fourth or fifth time through security, at different airports, on that trip. They found a jewlers screwdriver in my carry on that I kept to work on my glasses. He politely informed me that they were not allowed.

This is the same airline that passes out disposable razors to their passengers.

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