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"Tradition Meets Today" -- A Review Of The Tradere Razor

I have two shaves with it under my belt now and this morning's shave was even better than yesterday's. As far as aggression goes, I'd rate it below an Old Type and just above a Gillette New. It's nowhere near a Fatip or a Muhle R41 and that's fine with me. I have gotten a great shave with it both times with an Astra SP. I tend to use one blade till it's not usable any longer, so my next blade after I finish up with the Astra will be a Med Prep.
Hey, I feel excited for you too, I can just imagine how she must be feeling....i have a funny feeling you have a winner in both the razor and your family, congrats Richard.

Thank you; I really have been blessed. SWMBO is the best thing that ever happened to me; I clearly married well above my pay grade. :thumbup:
Beautiful photos and a gorgeous razor!!! The shine on that cap is very impressive!! I wish the had the same polish on the handle as they did on the razor head.

Thanks for the clarity on the agressiveness of this razor.... As that was going to be my next question.

Looking forward to hearing more shaving experiences as more members get them. Nice review and very excited about picking one up myself.
It'd be nice if it came with an HD style handle. Im a big fan of the short and stout razors.

Like this, perhaps? Weber bulldog handle for $38.



He does sell the head by itself. No worries.

Not so shure about that. This is what he said in a previous post

There are also a few posts above about whether the razor head will be sold separately. After I fulfill the initial orders, if there are any heads left from the first run, they will be offered separately from the handle.

It looks like a few may be available after this first run. I would pm him and ask to be sure if any are avail you get put on the list.

Great review! I look forward to using mine when it arrives.
Sheesh, these came and went before I even knew the heads came up for sale as I had originally purchased just the handle. It doesn't even look like WCS even had an ad for them, yet they were listed as a vendor?
Sheesh, these came and went before I even knew the heads came up for sale as I had originally purchased just the handle. It doesn't even look like WCS even had an ad for them, yet they were listed as a vendor?

I thought he was hooking up the people that had already purchased handles? I would send him a PM to check it out.
any more insight, many members are waiting before they buy, come on guys.......

Alex, there are a bunch of reviews but unfortunately they are spread over several different threads. A couple here and here and here and more in hiding in the BOTOC thread here. I know you've seen most of these but for anyone considering the purchase they represent several different points of view. There are also some initial impressions in Richard's thread. There may be others as well.
I had my 8th shave with it today. Pefect BBS, no weepers and no nicks. I plan on trying it on my Weber bulldog handle tomorrow morning just to see if Im missing anything. To me, the Tradere and the Weber are the best razors in my arsenal.
I had my 8th shave with it today. Pefect BBS, no weepers and no nicks. I plan on trying it on my Weber bulldog handle tomorrow morning just to see if Im missing anything. To me, the Tradere and the Weber are the best razors in my arsenal.

Interesting, I have a Tradere on the way and I picked up a Weber ARC recently which has been getting heavy rotation with A Fatip Grande. The Fatip OC is more aggressive than almost anything else I have and the Weber's performance leaves all my other safety bar razors for dead, so much that I haven't used anything but OCs and the Weber since it was delivered.

Please let us know how the Tradere performs with the Weber Bulldog handle as I have both and am keen to see other users impressions.
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