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tobs sandalwood shave soap

This is the hard puck, not the cream. I got this soap and shaved with it and had an incredible shave. looks like this soap was reformulated. It now has sodium laurate/potassium laurate in it. all the other ingredients are about the same as the last formulation. This soap smells nothing like sandalwood to me. but it has a very nice cologney type scent to me. The lather this soap produced was incredible. I gotta tell ya, I am impressed with the triple milled hard shave pucks that come out of england. I also bought a dr harris lavender which is also an incredible soap. To my shock, it seems like I have been getting better and more enjoyable shaves with the triple milled hard shave pucks from england versus all of the artisan soaps I have which is surprising to me. I tried the tobs sandalwood cream before and didn't care for it although it is very popular among wet shavers. Give the tobs sandalwood triple milled hard puck a try. it's an awesome and underrated shave soap.
I've got one sitting in a tub I haven't touched from a year ago. Going to give it a try and see if it's as good as the new formula. Absolutely love the scent, thanks for the heads up.
I had the cream and taking advantage of a sale I bought the hard puck a couple of years ago. I can confirm it's very easy to produce a thick, rich, slick lather even in the old formulation. I'm not a huge fan of the scent and the post shave is nothing to write home about but overall it's a good soap. Not as good as D. R. Harris soaps still better than Geo F. Trumper and Truefitt & Hill hard pucks.
I have about 20 soaps in kind of a rotation. I use TOBS hard soap infrequently, but when I do it easily produces a nice slick and thick lather, gives a close shave, and has a great aftershave feel. Similar to DR Harris, but I seem to gravitate to TOBS a bit more. It is not on my list of favorites, but every time I use it I wonder why not?
I had the cream and taking advantage of a sale I bought the hard puck a couple of years ago. I can confirm it's very easy to produce a thick, rich, slick lather even in the old formulation. I'm not a huge fan of the scent and the post shave is nothing to write home about but overall it's a good soap. Not as good as D. R. Harris soaps still better than Geo F. Trumper and Truefitt & Hill hard pucks.
I had the cream a few years ago, didn't smell at all like sandalwood to me, glad to hear maybe its not just me.
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