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To Fix a Senator

The early Aristocrat are TTO Open Combs. I have an Open Comb and a Closed Comb. The Closed Comb gives nowhere as good a shave as the Open Comb one. The TTO Aristocrat OC was my Holy Grail Razor honestly. I missed out on many of them and finally found one, and it's one of my top 4 razors I own now. I have thought about selling my Sheraton and Senator, but I hate to break up the Triplets.
Well then may i suggest a happy medium,... you keep the razor ill take the case :lol: but seriously im only getting into this razor, i was running through some leftover blades samplers while waiting for my regulars to get in, and ive only shaved with my HD, and a ball end tech,.. other then the few times i have used this guy i really havent put much focus into it but lol stop putting stuff into my head, i have avoided RAD thus far, and i feel a slight case coming up in the back of my throat hahahaha, and i have those SE razors of yours to look forward too as well !!
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