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Tip on lathering without hitting my bowl with my brushes handle?

This should work.

Or as someone earlier said, face lather.
Like others have said, larger, shorter bowls are better. I've also found that mugs and bowls with bottoms that have right angles and straight walls cause the brush to clink. I think we tend to use the entire bottom of the vessel when lathering so we move the brush from side to side hitting the walls. A smaller base helps keep the brush on a tighter path.

So, to avoid the clink, try using bowls with sloped sides and curved bottoms. Also avoid bowls or mugs with lips that taper in.
Like others have mentioned i'll choke up on the brush so my fingers are going to be between the handle and the ceramic. Try an appropriately sized silicone 'o' ring or two slipped onto the handle.


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The Instigator
Don't use a coffee cup... I know a guy that does. Clink clink clink doesn't bother him, it would make me insane.


A brush with higher loft, and a wider, shallow bowl.

As said, rice bowl is very good.

Everything I lather the handle of my brush hits my bowl/mug and makes a annoying clinking sound. Tips on avoiding this? Also I'm afraid that it will eventually damage my bowl/mug
Looks like you have a number of great recommendation in the posts above. I recently started using a 4" metal bowl for some soft Italian shaving soaps and have the same issue with my Razorock Monster 26mm synthetic brush that has a large handle. Fortunately my other synthetic is a Razorock Big Bruce with the same 26mm knot and a much more compact handle. Easy solution to this for me is to just use my Big Bruce with the smaller handle.

Boils down to either a wider bowl as noted in posts above or brush with a smaller handle. Per my example this doesn't necessarily mean a brush with a smaller knot.
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