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Thoughts on some blades

Hello all. I have thick wire/grey hair. What are the thoughts on some of these blades I have?
Voskhod Teflon Coated, so far had buffing on the R89, and Razo rock .68 plate. I'm thinking it's a blade for more aggressive razor. Yet to try on .84 plate.
Gillette Minora Platinum & Stainless: A blade I just had to try and purchased 20. So far nothing real special.

I have others that are working out I just wanted some thoughts on these.

I tried Minora Ss Blades, was less than average for me not terrible but dulls quickly no idea about the platinum. I have coarse grey beard as well. What works for me Nacet Stainless, permrasharp/Russian golden and red box, feather ( which is the sharpest blade for many, not for beginners and unforgiving blade) , Gillette 7o'clock both green and the yellow/Russia, personna med prep .
I tried Minora Ss Blades, was less than average for me not terrible but dulls quickly no idea about the platinum. I have coarse grey beard as well. What works for me Nacet Stainless, permrasharp/Russian golden and red box, feather ( which is the sharpest blade for many, not for beginners and unforgiving blade) , Gillette 7o'clock both green and the yellow/Russia, personna med prep .
Looks like we have very similar blades in our collection. I really like the Nacets and medpreps.
These are nice blades. I just shaved today 4days growth with P. med Prep. Had an Enjoyable shave. You can try Bic Chrome you might like it as well.
Perma Sharp for me is the best i have found for sharpness, price, availibilty and longevity .

Blade Stash.jpeg
Well finding your perfect blade to pair with any razor is trail, error, and keep a blade log.

I am 75+, my skin is like my DNA unique to me.

I do not have Magic 8 Ball to tell me what Blade will work best for you.

Experiment, until you find “Your” Blade.👍

For each razor.
Vietnam Super Thins w/Nippon Steel. Choice.

Also look for RayClem’s blade reviews. They are good.
Really good blade, would be happy with those in more bulk, i traded my Voshkod as they were not for me, traded for some Nacets which were ok, I find as i get older im not looking for the sharpest blade but the smoothest, and before i started collecting some blades i didnt realise how different blades can alter the shave entirely.

I have a stack of Feathers which i give to friends and family ( see top right food bags ) as my face just hursts after using Feathers, where as Perma Sharps are a blade where if i haven't used one in a while i actually smile and think to myself, " Why do i bother using other blades?"
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