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This is quite the slope.....

Whatever you do to try to moderate AD, do not try to confront it head-on. This tactic is like cutting the head off the Hydra, new ones will grow in its place exponentially! Instead, bend like a reed in the wind.

Damn skippy.Beat the razor AD, now I'm hooked on finding my favorite DIY brush.
Oh, just wait until the AD's branch out like hyphae and you get into the coffee and pens and stuff as well :devil:
Been lookin' at the Omegas on Ebay but haven't seen one at a reasonable price without a discolored face. Just a matter of time. Lord, help!
I just placed my first order with West Coast Shaving. This is a slippery slope.

I got:

1x Mitchell's Wool Fat
1x Tabac refill
1x Tabac Aftershave
100x Personna "red" blades
1x Col. Conk chrome razor and brush stand

Somebody stop me? :001_wub:

You forgot the Proraso ASB, DR Harris Lavender/Arlington/Marlborough SS, Speick SC, Musgo Real SC, MWF and 100x Derby Extras. And the Merkur 37G.

Oh well, there's always your second order from WCS. :lol::lol:
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