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The "Undilucot Method"

I never get a decent HHT result from a coti edge. But the shave is good and that's all that matters. Tried the Undilucot today. It was the same. No HHT but a good and smooth shave.

I shaved this afternoon with the blades I honed this morning. I have to say it was interesting..... The Taylor 1000 that I was having problems with have me a very smooth shave although the blade didn't even feel sharp. I almost didn't try a shave with it because I thought I screwed it up. It might have benefitted from a little more keenness but I was surprised that I could use a little pressure in my "trouble spots" and not wind up with any burn at all after a 3 pass shave. It also seemed that it was shaving very easily with much less blade angle and basically "wiping" the cream and whiskers off. Not quite BBS but definitely a DFS+! This was also my first coticule honed shave so I really don't have anything to compare as a baseline.

As a coticule newbie, I found the "Undulicot" method pretty easy to execute with great results although I probably won't be able to duplicate it! I guess with a little more practice I'll be able to squeeze some more keenness out of my blades for an even better shave. Thanks for the help.

Just tried for the first time on my new razor. Vintage pink coti that I picked up, used one layer of tape and wow, fantastic result!!!!! Thanks for putting us all on to this. Shaved with it and no irritation on the neck from ATG so that's always a good sign.
although the blade didn't even feel sharp. I almost didn't try a shave with it because I thought I screwed it up. It might have benefitted from a little more keenness but I was surprised that I could use a little pressure in my "trouble spots" and not wind up with any burn at all after a 3 pass shave. It also seemed that it was shaving very easily with much less blade angle and basically "wiping" the cream and whiskers off.

That is the beauty of the coticule. It feels absolutley dull. There is no absence of keeness, even though it feels like it. No matter how thick my stubble is, I always get that smooth wiping feeling, and I bet you will be suprised with the results when you try it again. This particular method seems very consistent.
Just tried for the first time on my new razor. Vintage pink coti that I picked up, used one layer of tape and wow, fantastic result!!!!! Thanks for putting us all on to this. Shaved with it and no irritation on the neck from ATG so that's always a good sign.

Let me guess, and say your face feels like you never put a razor to it?
i've had better and better results the more i tryed..I can onestly say the shaves are the smoothest i've had ...i don't think you will get smother if do not correctly and if your stone works with this method..

i have finally given up trying to hone......... i broke all my stones and took a grinder and a cutting torch to all my straights.....

now i shave with this.......

Just gave this a try. Not the best HHT off the slurry but after stropping got a good 3 closer to the holding point. I normally wouldn't accept this as my best but will give it a try.

Got done with a shave. It was OK but not nearly as good as a normal shave. I'm sure I did this technique wrong some how. I'll try it again at some point.
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Tried doing a dilucot/undilucot tonight. Basically that means that I dulled on glass, then did half strokes & diluted a few times to keep the slurry going (beginning of a normal dilucot). I did this until I could cut arm hair with ease....At this point the swarf got dark, so I then refreshed with milky slurry & continued on with circles, refreshing a few times along the way (undilucot). The HHT after stropping was a 4, but the shave was not that great. Maybe I screwed myself & perhaps I should not have diluted at the beginning? I'm not sure...

Now mind you, I did this on my new LPB which is FAST, so maybe I overdid it. The only reason I diluted at the beginning was because the slurry was getting thick, but maybe I should've refreshed at that moment instead of diluting...hmmmm....practice makes perfect though, so that's probably what I need to do more than anything!
My experiance with lpb is they can be slurry dullers...there fast so you realy only ever ned to start with light milky slurry..after dulling on glass with a little patients i 'm sure just normal light x strokes as nick used will work and just keep slurry well milky and refresh every 30 x strokes . its hard to say why it worked for me but it realy did .. the funny thing is i remeber some years ago i honed on a little la vainette on slurry and fir some reason i checked hht of slurry and it was easily a 3 hht...I carryed on diluting and finished on water and totaly lost the hht.. i wisheed i'd stopped and stroped ....

nothing lost by trying this method as if its not quite there jump straight to water and i'm sure the edge will be shave ready..

My experiance with lpb is they can be slurry dullers...there fast so you realy only ever ned to start with light milky slurry..after dulling on glass with a little patients i 'm sure just normal light x strokes as nick used will work and just keep slurry well milky and refresh every 30 x strokes . its hard to say why it worked for me but it realy did .. the funny thing is i remeber some years ago i honed on a little la vainette on slurry and fir some reason i checked hht of slurry and it was easily a 3 hht...I carryed on diluting and finished on water and totaly lost the hht.. i wisheed i'd stopped and stroped ....

nothing lost by trying this method as if its not quite there jump straight to water and i'm sure the edge will be shave ready..


Thx Gary. I'm going to try it with misty slurry and x-strokes tonight. You're right about the LPB being a fast vein; I don't think I was fully prepared for just how fast it is! (on slurry and water). It's interesting how this stone used to be yours....it's a small world we live in!!

I'm thnking that maybe I did a little too much (was doing half strokes), so I'll try it with lighter x-strokes and report back...
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the main thing is get the bevel set . then just work on milky slurry kep it milky. with normal x strokes . strop linen /leather se what hht is like? repeat as nesacerry and monitor hht it does help gaurante a shave if you get a desent pop after stropping. test shave when your happy.. it weird i've done sevaral razor lately and i have to say it like it is the shaves have been spot on..... i keep trying it as i still don't think this method a sunk in... just tryed it on hybrid o my mates kropp while he was round my house..he saw for him slf how good the hht was and how sanblasted the bevel was...

Even when aetting the bevel I am using x stokes. If your stone is fast like lpb I would make the slurry more like skim milk.

I strop in jeans (on my leg) while I hone to test the edge on arm hair.
Also, if you see LXemergencys old coticule videos you will see he also hones on slurry thoughout the process and adds water only when the stone is drying out. He then applies slurry from the sides of his coticule back on top throughout the process. I noticed this the other night as I was looking for coticule videos on youtube.
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