Ive started shaving in around "19 " 20 (yes im just a kid by the forums standards
my first razor was a gcheaper gillette cartridge razor with changable heads and shave gell. Ive used this set up for a couple of years and even tho i never really cut myself baddly or had bumps or burns ive always hated shaving. The blade tugged and the proccesd felt like a chore. One of these days around 2-3 months ago i got fed up with it and impulsively bought a cheap wilkinson classic plastic d.e. razor. The experience was better and i slowly expanded my kit by first buing a cheap grocery store brush and a localy made soap Barbus. When i added the final touch of localy made grocry store after shave and Eau-de-cologne ive fallen in love with the procces. I love to shave nowadays and im actually eager to do it. The thing became a ritual of sorts. The internet and the shave forums opened an eon of possibilities abd ive often caught myself staring hungrilly at soaps, razors etcetera and had to fkrbid myself from wasting money. I try to keep things minimal my set consisting of one soap 2 razors (one bought and an inherited gillette Slim from "64) 2 colognes, 2 aftershaves an alum stick and several blades. The only thing i allow myself to buy in healthy amounts even tho i have them are blades. Imo blades are worth to experiment with and im lucky to have them sold in local stores.
Thanks for reading gents!
Thanks for reading gents!