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The Scandal Sheet: Straights and other stuff

a little daddy/daughter lunch date (at McDonalds, classy, I know). Really wonderful day.
I remember when I was little, my mom would take me and my sibling to McDonalds in the winter with some other moms and kids, and we would spend like 2 hours in the playland. She worked nightshifts (still does, 2-4 nights a week for 21 years... don't know how she does it) and would take a nap while we played with our friends and the other moms watched us. Very fond memories looking back at it.
I remember when I was little, my mom would take me and my sibling to McDonalds in the winter with some other moms and kids, and we would spend like 2 hours in the playland. She worked nightshifts (still does, 2-4 nights a week for 21 years... don't know how she does it) and would take a nap while we played with our friends and the other moms watched us. Very fond memories looking back at it.
She spent about an hour in the playland afterwards. She has a pretty solid fear of heights but she really likes to try to push herself, at school she'll go partway up the ladder to the slide at recess multiple times to try to conquer it. Anyway, we were eating and she looked over at the play area and said "can we go there when we're done, I think it would be good to work on my fear of heights." Sure, whatever. So, we did, and she spent about 20 minutes incrementally working her way up from about a quarter of the way to about halfway and then coming back down to calm down. I encouraged her to keep going up one step at a time.

Eventually, two younger girls arrived, about 3 and 6, and the three of them became instant friends. The youngest wanted to go down the slide and had no issues going all the way up but she was afraid to come down. Her sister said she would wait at the bottom for her but that wasn't quite good enough. So she said to my kid, "why don't you go up there and help her go down the slide, and I'll wait at the bottom?" My kid was like, "well....see...I'm kind of nervous..." but she went up about two more steps than she had before. Then, after thinking about it for a second, she was all LEEROY JENKINS* and ran up the rest of the way. After that she went down the slide about 50 times before we finally left. She was quite proud of herself.

*look it up on YouTube if you don't get the reference
Any of you use Wendy's fries to "eat" a frosty? I did that till lactose stopped being nice to me. My mom taught me/us that. And french fries/potato chips as a hamburger topping, burger, pickles, bacon/pork roll and fries. The only toppings a burger needs...
Back when I was in college, when we went to McDs for $.50 cheeseburgers, we would often get vanilla milkshakes (or whatever they were called at the time) and use a hot apple pie as a spoon.

That was some serious late night munchies!


I shaved a fortune
The deep fried hot apply pies were the best... Agreed...

Our youngest son used to use French's Mustard on frozen pizza.... Yuck... But he loved it... Ellios... Not the best frozen pizza.. if there even is such a thing as "good" frozen pizza... <eg>
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