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The Scandal Sheet: Straights and other stuff

That doesn't sound promising, unfortunately. I avoided the former, but the later was how my cold started. It only took a day before I became a human faucet that won't shut off. Best of luck for a better outcome.
The children seem to be bouncing back quicker than the grownups. Both have had voracious appetites this afternoon. I slept for a couple hours and woke up a little hungry too, and feel better than this morning, anyway.

Sometimes it's hard to know how sick I am because with some of my ongoing stuff, my baseline is already blah at best and fairly crappy a lot of the time🙄
We're all still a little under the weather, I had a bit of a fever last night, but the youngest felt up to school so it was a good excuse to shave. And what a shave it was! I didn't shower, probably will later as I have a rehearsal tonight. So thorough face wash and preshave was in order. Soap was BSS-1 lathered with the E.L.F. Kabuki. Didn't squeeze the water out enough (this thing holds a ridiculous amount of water) so it was a bit runny but still quite good. Straight was the Iwasaki. Just brilliant again. For the cleanup I got the itch to use my most efficient New SC so I loaded up a Nacet. I don't know if it was the extra wet lather or if my technique has just gotten better but that was probably the smoothest, most effective shave I've ever had from a DE. No drama, no blood or irritation, no stubble. Finished off with Soap Commander Endurance.

Be well.
Finally feeling a bit better, but working from home since I still had a fever yesterday. Got a nice shave with my Heljestrand MK 3. Used PdP today and had to work to keep it hydrated. Blade felt a little draggy/tuggy until I corrected that. For the cleanup I moved yesterday's Nacet into the GS. It was great but I am coming to realize that the GS is, whether due to the weight, or the material, or both, always going to feel a little less smooth than my other razors. Yesterday's shave with the New SC reminded me that while it's very smooth, and very efficient, it's just a little less close than the R41s or the Fatip 1.0. Still a great razor and worth the trade off but it is the reality. I noticed more stubble earlier in the trouble areas, is all.

Finished off with the Veg and confirmed a very good, no irritation result.

Be well.
Did some more honing yesterday on the smaller, very hard coticule bout I have. I've never had much luck with this stone but I also haven't spent much time on it. With good advice from fellow honers, I got a very good result on a couple razors. It's still perhaps more work than I'd prefer but it's fun for a challenge and change of pace.

One of those razors was the Heljestrand frameback I used today for Frameback Friday. Very pleasant. It's above freezing again today so I chose MdC Rose for the soap. Was going to use a badger and then decided at the last minute to grab the Vielong. I really do love this brush, especially with MdC. Managed, perhaps for the first time, not to load too much. Still had a little left over but not a lot.

Cleanup pass was the Fatip 1.0 with a new Bic. Another "wow" shave from this razor. Wonderfully efficient and close. No weepers this time either, and there was precious little feedback from the Veg. When I bought this Fatip along with the R41GS I was kind of thinking the GS was going to be a "forever razor" and the Fatip was more a novelty, but they seem to be switching roles. I need to spend some more time comparing the GS to the regular R41, because my memory is that I enjoyed the zamak version a little more than I'm enjoying the GS. Memory is a funny thing, though, so I intend to compare them directly and see.

Be well, everyone.
In today's episode of What Would Rat Brain Do, I bid on and won an interesting razor from Yahoo Japan. Another Kikuboshi and rather unusual in that it's 7/8"+ in width, and has a full concave grind (heavily bellied above the edge). Scales may need to be replaced but not immediately.

Anyway, the weird part is that I decide *not* to bid on an unused, pristine frameback this morning, even though it would have gone for well south of $100 and I could have combined shipping. I'm still not sure why I didn't. But there you go.

Anyway, I'll see it in a couple of weeks, probably.
Pretty relaxed shave today. Although it was interrupted by the younger cat bringing a freshly killed mouse and dropping it in my wife's lap. At least I was wearing pants but even so it was a little brisk walking out to the trash can shirtless (7 degrees).

Straight was the wedgier Eiko and it was glorious. Sorry not sorry for the cheap pun (eiko means glory). Soap was my sadly neglected Proraso Red. It preformed very well although the scent is about gone. Just kind of musty/soapy. Brush was the Oumo Emperor and that was delightful.

Cleanup was a sort of side by side with the zamak R41 and the GS, both with Nacets. I say sort of because I mostly used the zamak one. I think I do enjoy it more. It seems more effective at a neutral to shallow neutral angle, and somehow a little smoother in use. Will have to do a more disciplined comparison in coming days.

Finished with Special Reserve. No sting, and a legit BBS result.

At some point I need to listen to Shostakovich 11 which my son tells me is "grossly underrated." I don't believe I've heard it.

Be well.

Pretty relaxed shave today. Although it was interrupted by the younger cat bringing a freshly killed mouse and dropping it in my wife's lap. At least I was wearing pants but even so it was a little brisk walking out to the trash can shirtless (7 degrees).

Straight was the wedgier Eiko and it was glorious. Sorry not sorry for the cheap pun (eiko means glory). Soap was my sadly neglected Proraso Red. It preformed very well although the scent is about gone. Just kind of musty/soapy. Brush was the Oumo Emperor and that was delightful.

Cleanup was a sort of side by side with the zamak R41 and the GS, both with Nacets. I say sort of because I mostly used the zamak one. I think I do enjoy it more. It seems more effective at a neutral to shallow neutral angle, and somehow a little smoother in use. Will have to do a more disciplined comparison in coming days.

Finished with Special Reserve. No sting, and a legit BBS result.

At some point I need to listen to Shostakovich 11 which my son tells me is "grossly underrated." I don't believe I've heard it.

Be well.

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A rare occurrence when I can get Chloe to stay still long enough for picture like that.
Kind of forgot to write today. In my defense I had to be out of the house early for a church gig. -14 when I left. Almost feels like winter. Shave was not very experimental today either. Beeswax soap, my trusty lapis brush, and the Söderén straight. Didn't take the time to experiment with the R41s; the zamak version was smooth, quick, and drama- free. Finished with the Veg and a skim of argan oil.

Did some brief shopping with the kids who had a bit of cabin fever, then took a much needed nap. Still not over whatever I had but at least I'm not febrile. I don't think.

Listened to Shosty 11 yesterday. It's interesting. Like Aaron Copland and John Williams collaborated to write a film score about the 1905 revolution. I'm not quite as over the moon about it as my son is, but I can see why he likes it.

Be well.
Weird shave today. Good, but chaotic. I'm off today due to the holiday so I had a more relaxed Monday morning than usual. Chose my Shell for the straight, BSS-1 for the soap, and the Proraso Pro boar for the brush. Everything was going swimmingly until I was stropping before the last pass and thought, wow, the reflection off this razor is really... bright. And then realized I had a migraine aura. So, grabbed my migraine meds and rushed to finish up while I could still see. As it turned out the aura progressed quickly today so I was able to do the cleanup pass without much incident. Headache is kicking in of course but it's manageable so far.

The cleanup pass is what I want to talk about anyway. I used the R41GS today, exclusively, and ran it intentionally steeper. Well, that made all the difference in the world. Pleasant and efficient, very, very close, not much buffing required. Very similar to yesterday's shave with the zamak version, except for the angle. I was bracing myself for aftershave sting but it never came.

So, how steep? I wish I could give you a number. I definitely felt the guard, to the point that I really didn't need to use any extra skin stretching. As I think of it, it's probably about the same deviation from neutral (in the opposite direction) as I use with the zamak version. Which, if you think about it, is quite a big shift. Regardless, it was a shockingly good result with very little buffing. I know if I shaved that steep with the zamak, I'd have weepers for days. I'll have to see how the facial impact evolves over the course of the day.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Just got back from the doctor. I had thought that if I was still feeling off of I'd go in (had a low fever last night again) and suspected I might have a sinus infection. This morning's excitement reminded me I needed a refill on my migraine script and somehow, my usual doc had an open appointment. Verdict, yep. Sinus infection. So at least that ought to resolve with a round of antibiotics. And we talked next steps on my other more chronic conditions.

I love this doctor. Actual she's a physicians assistant. But she's great. Only out of med school for a year, very enthusiastic, and very, very thorough. I'm so grateful to have found her.


Collecting wife bonus parts
Just got back from the doctor. I had thought that if I was still feeling off of I'd go in (had a low fever last night again) and suspected I might have a sinus infection. This morning's excitement reminded me I needed a refill on my migraine script and somehow, my usual doc had an open appointment. Verdict, yep. Sinus infection. So at least that ought to resolve with a round of antibiotics. And we talked next steps on my other more chronic conditions.

I love this doctor. Actual she's a physicians assistant. But she's great. Only out of med school for a year, very enthusiastic, and very, very thorough. I'm so grateful to have found her.
I hope you feel better soon. On the topic of PAs, I love my rheumatologist PA. She’s great.
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