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The movie that "WOWED" you

I couldn't disagree more with this one. This is one movie I wish I could "un-see". Absolutely hated it.

Really? A Clockwork Orange is one of the few movies I enjoy watching over again from time to time. Usually, once I've seen a movie, I'm through with it.

Your Movies May Vary.

I won't make a list since this is not supposed to be a favorite movie thread.

The movie that WOWED me was Goodfellas. I went into the theater not knowing anything about this film and I came out saying WOW!
On the Beach 1959

The Bedford Incident 1965

As well as quite a few of the previously mentioned films.
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Casablanca (saw it several times on TV and loved it, but was blown away when I finally saw it on the big screen)

The Incredibles (I only own a handful of movies on DVD - this is one of them)

Taxi Driver (it just slowly and masterfully built up the the final confrontation - I think my heart stopped for a minute or two)

I'm sure there are a few more but I can't think of them right now.
I won't make a list since this is not supposed to be a favorite movie thread.

The movie that WOWED me was Goodfellas. I went into the theater not knowing anything about this film and I came out saying WOW!

I agree. When I came out of the theater from Goodfellas I felt high on directing. That is in my opinion the best directed film ever. The way that time, and the telling, speed at you until it hits you with Henry Hill on the stand and everyone in the court room frozen and Hill picking up the audience aside...WOW!

Someone should take this thread in a new direction and make a new thread....best movie scenes. I have a few in mind, and the above is one.
Reservoir Dogs. So unlike anything out there at the time. I worked at a theater then. A couple of years later, when Pulp Fiction was gearing up, I told my boss we needed to book it. He insisted that it would go nowhere (not having seen Reservoir Dogs). We lost the booking to the theater across town...that sold out every show for the first two weeks.
So many fine choices, gents. I am surprised that no one has mentioned The Godfather (I or II), The Shining or Full Metal Jacket, to name a few.
Some really great movies already listed.
Full Metal Jacket, I watched this in the theater when I was home on leave from Marine Corps boot camp with my younger brothers.

The Hitcher, the original, that was on of the most intense movies I have ever seen.

Used Cars, I watched this when I was a kid, probably 12 or so. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt the next day.
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