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The Journal Of Huck...


I shaved a fortune
So for yesterdays shave I took the advice of @Phoenixkh concerning Canada Shave soap. I scraped a few thin flakes into my CaYuen bowl and let my AP Shave synth soak for a few minutes. I then proceeded to whip up a pretty good lather that was good for my usual passes and some buffing. This worked much better than swirling the brush on the soap and then bowl lathering. This should work with the rest of my lather bowls as well. Thanx Kim.
The rest of the shave involved my Athena razor, a new Wizamet and listening to the new Stones record, vinyl of course. What a nice way to kick off the day. A lovely shave finished off with my alum bar and Versace after shave balm.
I also received my Stirling soap order consisting of Gin & Tonic, Executive Man and...Sheep.
The Gin & Tonic has the strongest scent in the tub, followed by a milder smell from Executive man and then Sheep which smelled like...well, sheep. I like all of them as far as aromas are concerned and am looking forward to using them. Still waiting for my Areffa soaps to arrive from Ukraine.
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I'm glad that method worked for you. It even works with softer soaps... I just smear them into a thin lather in the middle of the bowl, add some water and let the soap soak while showering.
Well, did the next Stirling soap today...Gin and Tonic. Definite scent to this one. Used a Zenith boar with the copper handle and my Chiseled Face Legacy razor in brass with the Wizamet I'd used for several shaves.
The brush and soap worked fairly well. Soaked the brush, shook out the excess water, swirled the brush onto the soap and bowl there'd. This brush is better than the Danidom which I replaced half way through the previous shave.
So the Zenith is a good brush but I'm going to see how my synths do with these soaps and bowl lathering. So far the boars seem to be best at mug lathering with hard soaps.
This time the lather was ok and I had enough for 2 passes and some buffing. I've found the synths, for me, do everything well. Whereas the boars don't bowl lather as well. Especially the DaniDom...but that just might mean more breaking in.
Anyhow, the lather was nice and slick, cushioned well and didn't dry out quickly.
The shave was excellent. The Legacy razor is a great shaver, well made and nicely balanced. So the next shave is going to determine how well the synth does with the next Stirling soap...Executive Man.
Well, did the next Stirling soap today...Gin and Tonic. Definite scent to this one. Used a Zenith boar with the copper handle and my Chiseled Face Legacy razor in brass with the Wizamet I'd used for several shaves.
The brush and soap worked fairly well. Soaked the brush, shook out the excess water, swirled the brush onto the soap and bowl there'd. This brush is better than the Danidom which I replaced half way through the previous shave.
So the Zenith is a good brush but I'm going to see how my synths do with these soaps and bowl lathering. So far the boars seem to be best at mug lathering with hard soaps.
This time the lather was ok and I had enough for 2 passes and some buffing. I've found the synths, for me, do everything well. Whereas the boars don't bowl lather as well. Especially the DaniDom...but that just might mean more breaking in.
Anyhow, the lather was nice and slick, cushioned well and didn't dry out quickly.
The shave was excellent. The Legacy razor is a great shaver, well made and nicely balanced. So the next shave is going to determine how well the synth does with the next Stirling soap...Executive Man.
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I'm on my 10th day using the Omega Boar and have noticed the bowl lathering issue that you talk about. My Synthetics always whipped up fast and the boar doesn't get the lather up to the point that I'd like. The face feel is excellent, but the bowl lathering has been subpar. I've tried different soap/water ratios and they've pretty much been the same. It's ok but not great in that respect!
I guess I'll keep waiting for that break in period.
I also have Semogue, Zenith and Proraso boars that I recently bought. I haven't tried those yet. Maybe I'll give them a try soon to see if I get different results.
I'm on my 10th day using the Omega Boar and have noticed the bowl lathering issue that you talk about. My Synthetics always whipped up fast and the boar doesn't get the lather up to the point that I'd like. The face feel is excellent, but the bowl lathering has been subpar. I've tried different soap/water ratios and they've pretty much been the same. It's ok but not great in that respect!
I guess I'll keep waiting for that break in period.
I also have Semogue, Zenith and Proraso boars that I recently bought. I haven't tried those yet. Maybe I'll give them a try soon to see if I get different results.
Did yall break in the Boar brush at all before using it? I soaked my new boar brushes in water for 12 hours, rung it out, and stropped it on a bathroom towel for 3-5 minutes, then soaked it again in new water for another 12 hours. I did this for three days thereabout. I also lathered the brush up a few times. I did notice that during the break-in process, the boar brush was not lathering worth a flip. I was worried it would not be a good lathering brush. But after the break-in period, all was well. Now my boars are improving with each use.
Did yall break in the Boar brush at all before using it? I soaked my new boar brushes in water for 12 hours, rung it out, and stropped it on a bathroom towel for 3-5 minutes, then soaked it again in new water for another 12 hours. I did this for three days thereabout. I also lathered the brush up a few times. I did notice that during the break-in process, the boar brush was not lathering worth a flip. I was worried it would not be a good lathering brush. But after the break-in period, all was well. Now my boars are improving with each use.
I didn't!
I've never thought about "pre" break in! I typically break things in during use. But your advice sounds like a good idea. I've been using it for 10 days so I figure it shouldn't require as much as you did. I'll give it a try. Thanks!
Well for todays TanToriffic shave I employed my Blutt BR1.20, the "still providing good shaves" Wizamet, my AP synth brush and in this corner...Stirling "Executive Man". Also using my SS shaving scuttle.
So I soaked the synth for a couple of minutes and then began to swirl the brush on the soap. Did that for a bit and then began to build the lather in the heated scuttle. It didn't take long for the synth to build a nice respectable lather. Better than the boars were doing. Proceeded to lather up, nice and warm, and started shaving. The Blutt is an excellent razor, a bit expensive, but it does a superb job and the ATG pass is right up there with the OverLander...even with a blade thats seen 4 shaves so far.
Stirling does make a nice soap and the tallow, lanolin and shea butter really combine for a nice lather which doesn't dry out and leaves my phiz nice and smooth.
As I said the synths seem to be outperforming the boars, I will continue to use the boars for mug lathering with hard soaps and maybe they'll get to where the synths are performing at some point.
Ok, now on with my totally unscientific voyage of discovery concerning my boars and synths. My soap today was a combo of 2 stick soaps. Tabac and Taylor of Old Bond Street. I had heated them up and pressed them into this large mug I found at Winners.
The Tabac is the soap on top. I did this because I really don't like face lathering and the soaps weren't getting any use.
I employed one of my Zenith boars as well as my experienced Wizamet in my Pearl Flexi OC.
The boar, after soaking for a few minutes whipped up a very nice lather which was a pleasure to coat my face in. Comfortable and nicely hydrated. Didn't dry out and I proceeded. The Flexi is an outstanding adjustable, although I don't know why I call it adjustable...I have it on 6 and that's where it stays. Excellent 3 passes (blade is getting up there) and the lather kept pace with zero problems.
Topped it off with my alum bar (noticed a bit of sting) but attributed that to the blade nearing its end.
Then a spray of cologne, Bulgari "Man" and I was good to go.
Had some issues this week, the wife accidentally left the garage door open and some lowlife stole my ebike. Sigh.
He also took my helmet and the garage remote which was in my helmet so now I've had to install a security latch on the door and tried to get a universal remote to work. Nope. Then its ordering the remote from Amazon.ca and it'll be here on Wednesday.
The funny thing happened when I was trying to get the motor to accept the remote when my neighbor pulled up to his garage (which is part of the same building as mine, there's multiple garages) and his HomeLink opened his door...and mine. Whaaat?
Well, he's now deleted his code and I'm just using the security latch so it's all in a knot. We'll get it sussed out...somehow.
Just more stuff happening which I rather didn't.
Ok, now on with my totally unscientific voyage of discovery concerning my boars and synths. My soap today was a combo of 2 stick soaps. Tabac and Taylor of Old Bond Street. I had heated them up and pressed them into this large mug I found at Winners.
The Tabac is the soap on top. I did this because I really don't like face lathering and the soaps weren't getting any use.
I employed one of my Zenith boars as well as my experienced Wizamet in my Pearl Flexi OC.
The boar, after soaking for a few minutes whipped up a very nice lather which was a pleasure to coat my face in. Comfortable and nicely hydrated. Didn't dry out and I proceeded. The Flexi is an outstanding adjustable, although I don't know why I call it adjustable...I have it on 6 and that's where it stays. Excellent 3 passes (blade is getting up there) and the lather kept pace with zero problems.
Topped it off with my alum bar (noticed a bit of sting) but attributed that to the blade nearing its end.
Then a spray of cologne, Bulgari "Man" and I was good to go.
Had some issues this week, the wife accidentally left the garage door open and some lowlife stole my ebike. Sigh.
He also took my helmet and the garage remote which was in my helmet so now I've had to install a security latch on the door and tried to get a universal remote to work. Nope. Then its ordering the remote from Amazon.ca and it'll be here on Wednesday.
The funny thing happened when I was trying to get the motor to accept the remote when my neighbor pulled up to his garage (which is part of the same building as mine, there's multiple garages) and his HomeLink opened his door...and mine. Whaaat?
Well, he's now deleted his code and I'm just using the security latch so it's all in a knot. We'll get it sussed out...somehow.
Just more stuff happening which I rather didn't.
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Sorry that happened!
Unbelievable, ugg!!:confused:
Now back to our previously unscheduled, unscientific evaluation of my boars vs my synths performance review.
Yes I know everyone is really excited about this...I can barely contain myself.:sleep12:
Ok so today I used my new AP synth (which was going to be a part of a great Xmas present) and a mug with Proraso hard soap.
The razor was my Shave It "Shadow" which I affectionately call Vincent coupled with my ongoing Wizamet blade.
The brush created an excellent lather in less than a minute. I soaped up and got to work. The blade is definitely on the downside of usage and this is probably the last shave with it. I still got a very nice shave and I know I was using a bit more pressure than I do with my other shavers because of the blade and the razor is aluminum.
The lather was just fine for 2+ passes and I was done. Did the alum thing which also told me the blade was getting old and then finished with PC Aftershave Balm.
So the synth did a great job of lathering with mug/hard soaps and my other synths also do a great job of bowl lathering. The boars do very well with mug/hard soaps but not as well with bowl lathering...although they are getting better.
A very nice shave and now it's off to the rest of the day.
So continuing the brush evaluation between synths and boars (mine only), today it's my copper Zenith boar and Canada Soap.
Also making appearances are my ceramic Captain's Choice lather bowl, my Dart re-issue razor, a new Ninja blade and Proraso aftershave balm.
Still using Kim @Phoenixkh's advice I scraped flakes of Canada soap into the lather bowl. My brush I had soaked for a few minutes and then shook off the excess water and proceeded to build my lather. Well what a surprise...the lather was excellent and enough for my complete shave and then some. Yahoo. So my boars with hard soap flakes will bowl lather just as well as my synths. Now to proceed to the soft/cream soaps , bowl lathering and the boars. The Stirling soaps are not really "hard" soaps but may still work well using the same scraping method I just employed. We'll see, I know everyone is waiting anxiously for those results :whistling:
The rest of the shave was great. The ninja is a very good blade and paired up with my Dart gave me a great shave.
After that it was the alum bar and then the Proraso balm. I have to say I'm not a huge fan of the scent but it does a very nice job of making my skin nice and soft and hydrated.
On one of our last trips to the US, we went to Palm Springs to visit with some friends who were spending the winter there. Loved that place...saw the outside wall of Sinatra's former home, Bob Hope's former home (from a distance) etc. Took a side trip to see an Air Museum that had some terrific planes etc to see and walk around. Also went to the SanDiego zoo which is absolutely amazing, lots of room for the animals and a very well run animal sanctuary/zoo. Nice trip and we even got to watch a polo match. Which after the initial match, seemed to be more a reason to go out and sit drinking watching 4 legged soccer. Maybe we just didn't get the subtle nuances...at any rate a nice holiday and PS is a great place to visit.
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Ok so my Areffa soaps arrived. The Unforgiven (soft), Smokey Midday (hardish), Discoverer (hardish) and Golden Sunrise (soft).
Also got a Crazy Pumpkin sample with aftershave as well. They have interesting scents which actually improve as you lather. Made with Saponified Bear Tallow. Ok then. So I scraped some of the Smokey Midday into my lather bowl and after soaking my Zenith boar got to work. It lathered up ok, then I swirled the brush directly onto the soap for a bit. Better. Very nice soap and really stays Nic ely hydrated etc.
Used my GC 2.0 and the ninja blade for a very nice shave. I think Im going to like these soaps.
Ok so my Areffa soaps arrived. The Unforgiven (soft), Smokey Midday (hardish), Discoverer (hardish) and Golden Sunrise (soft).
Also got a Crazy Pumpkin sample with aftershave as well. They have interesting scents which actually improve as you lather. Made with Saponified Bear Tallow. Ok then. So I scraped some of the Smokey Midday into my lather bowl and after soaking my Zenith boar got to work. It lathered up ok, then I swirled the brush directly onto the soap for a bit. Better. Very nice soap and really stays Nic ely hydrated etc.
Used my GC 2.0 and the ninja blade for a very nice shave. I think Im going to like these soaps.
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I have the same lather bowl! Lol, its my only lather bowl!
Ok so the ongoing boar/synth comparison comes to the end for the boars today and next shaves will be with the synths.
Today it was my Zenith boar/olive wood brush and Areffa Discoverer soap. I used my CaYuen lather bowl and soaked the brush for a bit. Also on board were the R41 and ninja blade. Scraped some of the soap into the bowl and after shaking off the excess water started to lather. The lather began to build not too badly but had to swirl the brush on the soap to make it better. I have noticed though that the bars don't like to give up the lather as much as the synths do. I generally do a circular brush application on my first go round. I had to drag the brush across the lip of the bowl to get some of the lather out of the brush so I could "paint" it on. Worked ok. Nice soap stays hydrated and cushions nicely. The R41 shaved really well and the ninja is holding up pretty well. So all in all a very nice shave again and I'm really enjoying the new soaps.
Did the alum and Thayer's splash finishing off with Speick shave balm.
Next up will be the synths and the bowl lathering with Canada Soap and the Areffa soaps.
Today was the first day of the synth comparison. I used my AP ShaveCo synth and Areffa Kentucky Bourbon soft soap in my collapsible lather bowl. Scraped some soap in to the bowl and got to swirling. ZERO issues. Whipped up a nice lather in less than a minute.
Used my Valynor with the ninja and a shim. Very nice shave although the ninja may be close to the end. Did three passes with plenty of lather and finished with the alum bar and a splash of Thayers. Have to say the boars are still not as good bowl lathering as the synths. Next shave is gonna be synth with mug lathering.
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