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The Journal Of Huck...

Today I played a round of golf. They have 1/2 price Mondays which includes a cart so off I went. By myself. Actually got a birdie on the 3rd hole, a 165 yd par 3. I hit a low 6 iron that ran right up to the flag. Even I couldn't muff that putt. Yay.
It was one of those days though, I hit the driver really well but my irons were uniformly bad with the exception of my wedges and they weren't great mostly either. Still managed to get a couple of pars as well.
Now I had mentioned that friend of mine who is suffering with Parkinsons and that I visited him in May. I started to think I'd like to do something for him other than just a visit. So I dug up a photo I'd taken of him when we were golfing in Jasper years ago and managed to do a portrait of him that turned out pretty good. His sister likes it as well and I told her that eventually I wanted her to have the portrait as well. So when I head back to Calgary in August for my prostate procedure I'll take the portrait and give it to him if we can co-ordinate our timing etc. If not, I'll get it to the sister.
It's nice here today although the wind is blowing pretty good. Hmm...That's why I couldn't hit my irons...yeah that's it, I'm blaming the wind.

View attachment 1867657View attachment 1867658
That is one fantastic portrait of your friend!


Not made for these times.
Today I played a round of golf. They have 1/2 price Mondays which includes a cart so off I went. By myself. Actually got a birdie on the 3rd hole, a 165 yd par 3. I hit a low 6 iron that ran right up to the flag. Even I couldn't muff that putt. Yay.
It was one of those days though, I hit the driver really well but my irons were uniformly bad with the exception of my wedges and they weren't great mostly either. Still managed to get a couple of pars as well.
Now I had mentioned that friend of mine who is suffering with Parkinsons and that I visited him in May. I started to think I'd like to do something for him other than just a visit. So I dug up a photo I'd taken of him when we were golfing in Jasper years ago and managed to do a portrait of him that turned out pretty good. His sister likes it as well and I told her that eventually I wanted her to have the portrait as well. So when I head back to Calgary in August for my prostate procedure I'll take the portrait and give it to him if we can co-ordinate our timing etc. If not, I'll get it to the sister.
It's nice here today although the wind is blowing pretty good. Hmm...That's why I couldn't hit my irons...yeah that's it, I'm blaming the wind.

View attachment 1867657View attachment 1867658
Great work as always, Don.
Thanx guys. I mean that. I'm happy it actually turned out to look like how Tom used to be, pre-Parkinsons. I know we all change as we age but this was a nice re-visit to a really good time for the both of us. Looking forward to seeing and presenting it to him.
So another do-nothing day. Just relaxed and did artwork. We're watching the series "The Old Man". I've seen it but it was a good watch and Carmen is enjoying it. The next season will be coming out sometime so we needed to catch up.
On FB I'd met a soldier fighting in Ukraine. We messaged back and forth for a while and then he asked for money for food. Hmm. I was thinking about it and he was getting a bit snarky as to not believing I wouldn't reply and help. I did reply and questioned him about the fact that the Ukrainian army is supplied as well as can be including very good medical care etc. Then I got the supplies are not arriving etc plus more asking etc. I wanted to know who else he was contacting and he said it was me only. So I asked how the payment would happen and he said his unit PayPal address. So I asked what the address was. He wanted to know how much I would be sending. I asked for the address again. He wanted to know if I wanted the address. I said yes. He asked how much again. I asked for the address and he finally sent it. You're starting to see where this is going right?
The PayPal address was not any sort of military unit or even anything Ukrainian. It was a female name with a 3 digit number at the end. I looked it up and this person is from Florida. Scumbag. So needless to say, I used the first name of the PayPal address and said "Sorry Melissa". I then blocked the poser and deleted our messaging etc. Well that was eye-opening. Using a soldiers name etc to scam people on FB. Still debating whether or not to report this clown to FB. Wouldn't make much difference though she'd just come back under another name. But I'm thinking about it.
Anyway, it was a good day other than that and here's my latest art foray.

So another do-nothing day. Just relaxed and did artwork. We're watching the series "The Old Man". I've seen it but it was a good watch and Carmen is enjoying it. The next season will be coming out sometime so we needed to catch up.
On FB I'd met a soldier fighting in Ukraine. We messaged back and forth for a while and then he asked for money for food. Hmm. I was thinking about it and he was getting a bit snarky as to not believing I wouldn't reply and help. I did reply and questioned him about the fact that the Ukrainian army is supplied as well as can be including very good medical care etc. Then I got the supplies are not arriving etc plus more asking etc. I wanted to know who else he was contacting and he said it was me only. So I asked how the payment would happen and he said his unit PayPal address. So I asked what the address was. He wanted to know how much I would be sending. I asked for the address again. He wanted to know if I wanted the address. I said yes. He asked how much again. I asked for the address and he finally sent it. You're starting to see where this is going right?
The PayPal address was not any sort of military unit or even anything Ukrainian. It was a female name with a 3 digit number at the end. I looked it up and this person is from Florida. Scumbag. So needless to say, I used the first name of the PayPal address and said "Sorry Melissa". I then blocked the poser and deleted our messaging etc. Well that was eye-opening. Using a soldiers name etc to scam people on FB. Still debating whether or not to report this clown to FB. Wouldn't make much difference though she'd just come back under another name. But I'm thinking about it.
Anyway, it was a good day other than that and here's my latest art foray.

View attachment 1868704
Beautiful work...as always. You should definitely report her.


Not made for these times.
So another do-nothing day. Just relaxed and did artwork. We're watching the series "The Old Man". I've seen it but it was a good watch and Carmen is enjoying it. The next season will be coming out sometime so we needed to catch up.
On FB I'd met a soldier fighting in Ukraine. We messaged back and forth for a while and then he asked for money for food. Hmm. I was thinking about it and he was getting a bit snarky as to not believing I wouldn't reply and help. I did reply and questioned him about the fact that the Ukrainian army is supplied as well as can be including very good medical care etc. Then I got the supplies are not arriving etc plus more asking etc. I wanted to know who else he was contacting and he said it was me only. So I asked how the payment would happen and he said his unit PayPal address. So I asked what the address was. He wanted to know how much I would be sending. I asked for the address again. He wanted to know if I wanted the address. I said yes. He asked how much again. I asked for the address and he finally sent it. You're starting to see where this is going right?
The PayPal address was not any sort of military unit or even anything Ukrainian. It was a female name with a 3 digit number at the end. I looked it up and this person is from Florida. Scumbag. So needless to say, I used the first name of the PayPal address and said "Sorry Melissa". I then blocked the poser and deleted our messaging etc. Well that was eye-opening. Using a soldiers name etc to scam people on FB. Still debating whether or not to report this clown to FB. Wouldn't make much difference though she'd just come back under another name. But I'm thinking about it.
Anyway, it was a good day other than that and here's my latest art foray.

View attachment 1868704
Really loving these, Don.
A couple of nice quiet days, hit a couple of buckets at the range. BBQ'd, watched golf and soccer plus some CFL, tried to stay away from the news and had a couple of very nice shaves.
Finished another piece, actually two but the one looks very similar to the last one I posted. Very relaxing and therapeutic. Heading back to Regina in a couple of days to get a few things done, may head back to the lake after that before heading to Calgary for my procedure and to see some friends. The weather has been slowly getting better, today being the nicest day so far.
All in all, nothing to kvetch about which is nice in of itself.

Well, today I head back to Regina and start getting a few things done. We're also headed to Vancouver to see Wrexham play the Whitecaps. Should be fun. I'll post some pics. Then we'll be headed to Calgary for my procedure, visit some friends, take my friends portrait to him and then back home and then back to the lake. It should be empty of the rest of the family including babies and noise so that's the plan.
Ok, yesterday I decided to take the bike out and get some exercise in. Now mine is an e-bike and you can do long distances pretty quickly and with a nice amount of ease. Well after being at the lake for a month the battery was dead. So I thought, whatever and got going. Now it's an 8 speed and even though Regina is not what you'd consider to be hilly at all, I don't think I got past 4th gear...once. Holy crap. It worked out to be 12 miles in 30C temp. For what ever reason the chain came off...twice. Now that's annoying. I'd taken the bike in before about this and they couldn't find anything amiss. it's going back again. The other thing I have noticed in this town is the wind will and can blow in different directions at the same time. It was against me going and against me returning. Also adding to the trek is the bike is not a lightweight. That puppy weighs between 50-60 lbs.
But I made it and will from now on, make sure the battery is charged. Enough whining.
Ok, yesterday I decided to take the bike out and get some exercise in. Now mine is an e-bike and you can do long distances pretty quickly and with a nice amount of ease. Well after being at the lake for a month the battery was dead. So I thought, whatever and got going. Now it's an 8 speed and even though Regina is not what you'd consider to be hilly at all, I don't think I got past 4th gear...once. Holy crap. It worked out to be 12 miles in 30C temp. For what ever reason the chain came off...twice. Now that's annoying. I'd taken the bike in before about this and they couldn't find anything amiss. it's going back again. The other thing I have noticed in this town is the wind will and can blow in different directions at the same time. It was against me going and against me returning. Also adding to the trek is the bike is not a lightweight. That puppy weighs between 50-60 lbs.
But I made it and will from now on, make sure the battery is charged. Enough whining.
Sorry but that reminded me of my school days.
nicksplat splat GIF
More of the same today. Bike battery all charged up and the chain came off before I got 10 yards. Then at the end of my ride, still a few blocks from home the damn thing came off again but this time I managed to come off the bike. Small abrasions, not bleeding but I was PO'd. So it goes in tomorrow and I will make sure they understand I'm not pleased with what's going on and I expect them to fix the bike which was a reasonably expensive purchase plus I'm a returning customer which should count for something.
Now on a lighter note when I wasn't putting the chain back on or falling off the bike I had a nice pedal around what we call "Wascana Lake" and adjoining parks. This is the nicest thing about Regina. Seriously, there's nothing else particularly attractive about this town. Anyway saw pelicans and there were more geese than people which was fine, they didn't hog the bike paths and were fairly polite about sharing space.
All in all, a nice day without the drama.

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