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The Journal of a Backwards Professor


Not made for these times.
Doug's post from 5/19/22. 🙏



Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Wow, I just went looking for some older posts and entered a memory vortex of sorts. I landed in March of '23 reading his FFFM with the Blackbird Lite and found so many other non shaving posts that I recognise. I am going to have to return a couple times to get through March. I also found some of our interactions in my journal so I am reminiscing a bit, I miss Doug.


I shaved a fortune
I miss Doug a lot, too.... I miss his daily struggles with Witchy Poo... his beard growing experiment... I love seeing his handles show up in various threads almost daily.... I had been waiting until he got his shop up and running... with his lathe humming... to order a couple from him... Alas, it was not meant to be.

He was such an asset to the forums here. Thx again, Eric, for keeping his journal alive. It's still relevant and always will be.
Thinking of Doug during this Monday morning shave rated 10/10 using:
  • Razor: 1930 Probak with custom machined handle by the beloved @Rosseforp
  • Blade: Vintage Wilkinson Super Sword with a Chromium Edge (1)
  • Brush: Razorock 400 Silver Noir Plissoft
  • Pre-shave: Noxzema wash
  • Soap: D.R. Harris Marlborough shaving stick
  • Post shave: Thayer’s unscented Witch Hazel followed by Old Spice splash and Stirling Christmas Eve balm

Sublime shave with a fresh vintage English Wilkinson Super Sword blade in the 1930 Probak OC razor. I'm so fortunate to have these blades and this razor in my collection. I confess that I stumbled into both of them while looking to buy other things. The Probak razor was just an unknown item in a large batch of cheap razors that I bought for other reasons. But the Probak is not only a very important razor in DE shaving history (Link), it is among the best shaving razors that I own and delivers the best OC shave of any such razor I've ever tried. Sometimes, you just get lucky.

This shave was perfection. Three-days growth melted upon contact with this blade. The result was among the closest I've ever achieved and without any meaningful irritation.

I used the fantastic handle machined of stainless steel by our beloved @Rosseforp. The original handle, which appears in the photo, is nice but the knurling doesn't hold a candle to Doug's custom handle. He traded me this handle and another like it that I had gold plated for a Blue Tip to complete his Superspeed collection. I really enjoyed my dealings with him, and I feel quite blessed to have a little piece of his handle-making craft. I use it and the gold-plated one often.

My shave scoring log is found HERE.

Happy shaves everyone :badger:
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