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The Ipad Killer

The problem I have is with the keyboard on the iPhone. It is too small for my hands - which are not that large. Every time I type a message I have to redo it ten times to get it right. Very frustrating.

I agree, the keypad is annoying. I do, however, find that autocorrect makes up for it. After a while, it learns your spelling and corrects mistakes that are a result of the annoying keypad.
I just found my solution to the keyboard issue with the iPhone. It's an app called Keyboard2. It now allows me to use a larger keyboard and then copy and paste or move to SMS, e-mails, searches, etc. Unfortunately, Apple does not allow you to make it the default keyboard - but it seems to be an acceptable solution.
I'm surprised that Android doesn't already have an answer to the awesome combo of Apple-T.V. & iPad. I'm a science teacher and I've been salivating at the idea of using an iPad in the classroom and hooking it wirelessly to an LCD projector through apple T.V.

....Granted, as a teacher I don't have the $ to afford an iPad or apple-tv right now, so it's a moot point...
Even the modestly priced Iconia from Acer allows easy keyboard access and mouse access with memory expansion and mini-HDMI out. It was released over a year ago and priced between $199 and $250. The Asus and the new Galaxy Tab are better, but price between $250 and $450. The Retina display is a joke, super AMOLED has been out and available for over 3 years. Hey guys, let's replace our out of date screen with super AMOLED and call it something schnazzy like Retina! The fanbois will eat it up!
I'm surprised that Android doesn't already have an answer to the awesome combo of Apple-T.V. & iPad. I'm a science teacher and I've been salivating at the idea of using an iPad in the classroom and hooking it wirelessly to an LCD projector through apple T.V.

....Granted, as a teacher I don't have the $ to afford an iPad or apple-tv right now, so it's a moot point...

UPnP server capabilities are open source and availble to anyone and have been for years. I can even stream video with my PS3 for goodness sakes and its over 5 years old.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
UPnP server capabilities are open source and availble to anyone and have been for years. I can even stream video with my PS3 for goodness sakes and its over 5 years old.

Agreed, but I think you miss the point. Some of us don't have the ubergeekness gene you have, and the simple plug and play of the iPad and AppleTV is nice. For every person even knows what a UPnP is, there a 100, imo, who have no clue and no desire to know. Besides good luck loading a physics or astronomy app onto your PS3 :)
That's the problem with Apple as well, isn't it? To me buying an Apple product seems like joining a cult. I don't want to join a cult.

I have an Android phone and tablet. They too just work.

Then don't join a cult. Buy a product from the company that best suits your needs. Apple is not bigger than Exxon because the people who buy their products are cultists. It's convenient to dismiss their success as such, but not very realistic, not in 2012. In the end, we should all be lucky enough to find products that meet our wants, needs, and budgets.

It's great to see some manufacturer's finally differentiating their products; it's this type of competition that will benefit consumers and spur innovation forward.

The Retina display is a joke, super AMOLED has been out and available for over 3 years. Hey guys, let's replace our out of date screen with super AMOLED and call it something schnazzy like Retina! The fanbois will eat it up!

Seriously? I wasn't aware that the Retina display was already so dated. Can you provide a link to a tablet on the market today that has an equivalent or superior display? I'm not aware of one. I'm not a "fanboi" by any stretch, I just honestly thought the display in the new iPad was quite a technical achievement, given it's size, weight, performance and battery life at that resolution, and I didn't think there were any other tablets that were on par. Looking forward to the examples!

Then don't join a cult. Buy a product from the company that best suits your needs. Apple is not bigger than Exxon because the people who buy their products are cultists. It's convenient to dismiss their success as such, but not very realistic, not in 2012. In the end, we should all be lucky enough to find products that meet our wants, needs, and budgets.

It's great to see some manufacturer's finally differentiating their products; it's this type of competition that will benefit consumers and spur innovation forward.


+1. Hating Apple products because you dislike other Apple users is as silly as loving Apple products because all the cool kids have one.
Then don't join a cult. Buy a product from the company that best suits your needs. Apple is not bigger than Exxon because the people who buy their products are cultists. It's convenient to dismiss their success as such, but not very realistic, not in 2012. In the end, we should all be lucky enough to find products that meet our wants, needs, and budgets.

It's great to see some manufacturer's finally differentiating their products; it's this type of competition that will benefit consumers and spur innovation forward.


I don't fault Apple for the cult-ish following - they are a business and it has been very profitable for them. Good for them. The cult is the product of fanboys and seems to be based in roughly equal parts of a. appealing Apple products, b. a loathing of Microsoft and c. it is the cool cult to join (a tribute to Apple's marketing success).

I'll take the hardware and software that suits my needs best, the current mainstream obsession notwithstanding.
I don't fault Apple for the cult-ish following - they are a business and it has been very profitable for them. Good for them. The cult is the product of fanboys and seems to be based in roughly equal parts of a. appealing Apple products, b. a loathing of Microsoft and c. it is the cool cult to join (a tribute to Apple's marketing success).

I'll take the hardware and software that suits my needs best, the current mainstream obsession notwithstanding.

I agree wholeheartedly with your final sentence. Our decisions should be made based on our individual wants and needs, not on current fads, popular perceptions or mis-perceptions, misinformation, or pressure from others to like or not like what they like or don't like. The compulsion to justify choices by tearing down anything that threatens our paradigms has always struck me as the recourse of a weaker will.

I say make your choice and stand by it, and let everyone else scramble.

Seriously? I wasn't aware that the Retina display was already so dated. Can you provide a link to a tablet on the market today that has an equivalent or superior display? I'm not aware of one. I'm not a "fanboi" by any stretch, I just honestly thought the display in the new iPad was quite a technical achievement, given it's size, weight, performance and battery life at that resolution, and I didn't think there were any other tablets that were on par. Looking forward to the examples!


Here's a 3.7" screen on a PMP announced from Korea in 2010. 1080p capable Super AMOLED screen with direct sunlight viewing. I'd imagine a 8" or similiar would not be difficult to do.

+1. Hating Apple products because you dislike other Apple users is as silly as loving Apple products because all the cool kids have one.

I don't hate or dislike Apple users or all Apple products. Anyone can buy whatever they want. I just try to point out the value/pros/cons of a product and not buy it just because of a billion dollar marketing campaign.
I am not even an Apple fan, but most people seem to think the new iPad Retina display is the best as of now (I have not personally seen it). Wired.com says that the new Google Nexus tablet being launched as well as the Asus Transformer TF700 come pretty close, but are still not quite there.

And I don't think the Retina display is old technology. From what I have read, it is actually quite expensive to make and that is why they did not use the same Retina display the iPad sports on the new Macbooks. The cost of the 9.7 inch iPad display is already the most expensive on the market so making a 15 and 17 inch one for the Macbooks would have been very costly. So both are Retina displays, but the iPad one is a higher resolution.

A few reviews I have read said that if you put the iPad 2 and iPad 3 side by side, the screen on the iPad 2 looks downright pixelated in comparison.
The Nexus Q isn't an answer to much of anything.

It's interesting concept but considering the price I don't know how many people will buy this. Although it's supposed to be running ICS has all kinds of ports and is very hackable. One of the issues I don't care for is the fact that you can't even stream your music through your phone/tablet without uploading everything to Google music first.
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