"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
That is just phenomenal! Maybe I'll fly down there to test when I'm ready. Sounds like an awesome place to be.Hi,
Well, here I am once again on the B&B Ham Radio Examiner's forum.....
Anyway, something interesting to report on last nite's exam session - we do a 4th Tuesday at 6 PM every even numbered month. So we had 11 candidates and two were youngsters, One was 11 and one was 8. The 11 year old earned a New General, by which I mean he had no license and passed the Tech followed by the General. The 8 year old is a New Tech.
So, also on the 4th Tuesday every month, the Raleigh NC club has a hands-on get-together at a church fellowship hall. The same location, just in case that isn't obvious. They had several stations on the air last night for the new license earners to get some practical side education. So we put one of the younglings on 20m and the other on 40m and caused two instant pile-ups. Better than rare DX that was.
And everyone went home with what they came for, including one Extra Upgrade. Plus three others are New Generals as well. It was an excellent evening all the way around.
Stan - w2ck