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The Ham Shack - B&B's Amateur Radio Club


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"

Well, here I am once again on the B&B Ham Radio Examiner's forum..... :p

Anyway, something interesting to report on last nite's exam session - we do a 4th Tuesday at 6 PM every even numbered month. So we had 11 candidates and two were youngsters, One was 11 and one was 8. The 11 year old earned a New General, by which I mean he had no license and passed the Tech followed by the General. The 8 year old is a New Tech.

So, also on the 4th Tuesday every month, the Raleigh NC club has a hands-on get-together at a church fellowship hall. The same location, just in case that isn't obvious. They had several stations on the air last night for the new license earners to get some practical side education. So we put one of the younglings on 20m and the other on 40m and caused two instant pile-ups. Better than rare DX that was.

And everyone went home with what they came for, including one Extra Upgrade. Plus three others are New Generals as well. It was an excellent evening all the way around. :)


Stan - w2ck
That is just phenomenal! Maybe I'll fly down there to test when I'm ready. Sounds like an awesome place to be.


Born to häckla

Well, here I am once again on the B&B Ham Radio Examiner's forum..... :p

Anyway, something interesting to report on last nite's exam session - we do a 4th Tuesday at 6 PM every even numbered month. So we had 11 candidates and two were youngsters, One was 11 and one was 8. The 11 year old earned a New General, by which I mean he had no license and passed the Tech followed by the General. The 8 year old is a New Tech.

So, also on the 4th Tuesday every month, the Raleigh NC club has a hands-on get-together at a church fellowship hall. The same location, just in case that isn't obvious. They had several stations on the air last night for the new license earners to get some practical side education. So we put one of the younglings on 20m and the other on 40m and caused two instant pile-ups. Better than rare DX that was.

And everyone went home with what they came for, including one Extra Upgrade. Plus three others are New Generals as well. It was an excellent evening all the way around. :)


Stan - w2ck
That is fantastic to hear! We need younger people to come into this hobby(obsession, rabbit hole....)
That is just phenomenal! Maybe I'll fly down there to test when I'm ready. Sounds like an awesome place to be.

Well, I am heading to the Dayton Hamvention in May. We test morning and afternoon on both Friday and Saturday. So, you can get an exam in and do up the hamfest. :)

We would test on Sunday except we're all tired out after two long days of it. :p So, I hamfest on Sunday. ;)


Stan - w2ck


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"

Well, I am heading to the Dayton Hamvention in May. We test morning and afternoon on both Friday and Saturday. So, you can get an exam in and do up the hamfest. :)

We would test on Sunday except we're all tired out after two long days of it. :p So, I hamfest on Sunday. ;)


Stan - w2ck
Never been to Hamfest, sadly. No good excuse either, as I live in mid Michigan. Maybe a 4 hour drive...

Well, I am heading to the Dayton Hamvention in May. We test morning and afternoon on both Friday and Saturday. So, you can get an exam in and do up the hamfest. :)

We would test on Sunday except we're all tired out after two long days of it. :p So, I hamfest on Sunday. ;)


Stan - w2ck

I've always wanted to go to the Dayton Hamvention. We've got SeaPAC out on the coast but it's like 10% of Dayton I understand. I hope you'll share your experiences from your visit this year and some photos!

And thanks again for being a VE. That's a real time investment you're making to the hobby and the community.


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
And thanks again for being a VE. That's a real time investment you're making to the hobby and the community.
Well said.

I was treasurer for our local repeater emergency services and years ago the Feds wanted an estimate of the hours given by the members. I was shocked.

It numbered into the THOUSANDS every year. Crazy. If you sit down and just do a CASUAL study of different organizations and the volunteer hours given you would be amazed.

Lol, it'll also give you hope for humanity!

Well, you all are welcome. :)

It actually came about by accident. Covid and the loss of testing venues. And we had this multiple use space at out screenprinting shop office. My XYL, K4PKD uses it both for the local quilting group and for arts and craft classes she teaches. Both of which were halted during Covid for about a year there.

So, the local Laurel VEC team leader was asking if anyone had any space ideas he could use. And there we were with a small space. As it was, the rules allowed for 10 people to gather. So I rearranged the space for six tables to all face the wall - if anyone sneezed they could Covid paper the wall. :p And all could be six feet apart.

And 4 VEs makes for ten. Also we had an open space in the back, and then the art room so we could put some extra chairs back there and let folks sit six feet apart and wait their turn for an open table in the exam room. Plus a small table for me to have the folders for the candidates and so do the greeter job. So it became a 9-5 operation two Saturdays a month

I was a General then, so could not actually VE unless we were giving all Tech exams. Which, we sometimes did. Anyway, after a few months, the team leader added me to the roster. But, then, that led to my deciding that I actually, finally, needed an Extra class. I already had passed the three commercial level tests long ago, and I work as a radio design engineer, so the Extra was just something I hadn't turned my attention to.

After the first year, March 2020 thru March 2021, I wound up as the deputy team leader and also on multiple teams. And Banks Rd is still set up, which means one table my XYL can't use because I have a computer, a printer, a box of testing stuff, etc. sitting on it all the time. She can move all the other tables around as she needs to.

And three team leaders have a key so they can use the space pretty much any day or evening and so give exams upon request. Plus, we have an every month Third Thursday session at 10 AM. We jokingly call it the Banks Road Testing Club.

Then, last year, our regional coordinator asked for anyone so inclined to head to Dayton and help out. Now that will be a yearly trek. The kind of stuff I look for at a hamfest (Narda, ETS, etc) usually is still there to be had on Sunday.

None of this volunteering is new to me, though. From 77 to 97 I was into the volunteering firefighting back in 2-land before I moved permanently to 4-land. Plus a lot of ham time up there as well. This VE part is just the latest iteration.

And, yes, lots of time. In fact, I am heading out right now to the local American Legion hall for an exam session.


Stan - w2ck


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"

Well, you all are welcome. :)

It actually came about by accident. Covid and the loss of testing venues. And we had this multiple use space at out screenprinting shop office. My XYL, K4PKD uses it both for the local quilting group and for arts and craft classes she teaches. Both of which were halted during Covid for about a year there.

So, the local Laurel VEC team leader was asking if anyone had any space ideas he could use. And there we were with a small space. As it was, the rules allowed for 10 people to gather. So I rearranged the space for six tables to all face the wall - if anyone sneezed they could Covid paper the wall. :p And all could be six feet apart.

And 4 VEs makes for ten. Also we had an open space in the back, and then the art room so we could put some extra chairs back there and let folks sit six feet apart and wait their turn for an open table in the exam room. Plus a small table for me to have the folders for the candidates and so do the greeter job. So it became a 9-5 operation two Saturdays a month

I was a General then, so could not actually VE unless we were giving all Tech exams. Which, we sometimes did. Anyway, after a few months, the team leader added me to the roster. But, then, that led to my deciding that I actually, finally, needed an Extra class. I already had passed the three commercial level tests long ago, and I work as a radio design engineer, so the Extra was just something I hadn't turned my attention to.

After the first year, March 2020 thru March 2021, I wound up as the deputy team leader and also on multiple teams. And Banks Rd is still set up, which means one table my XYL can't use because I have a computer, a printer, a box of testing stuff, etc. sitting on it all the time. She can move all the other tables around as she needs to.

And three team leaders have a key so they can use the space pretty much any day or evening and so give exams upon request. Plus, we have an every month Third Thursday session at 10 AM. We jokingly call it the Banks Road Testing Club.

Then, last year, our regional coordinator asked for anyone so inclined to head to Dayton and help out. Now that will be a yearly trek. The kind of stuff I look for at a hamfest (Narda, ETS, etc) usually is still there to be had on Sunday.

None of this volunteering is new to me, though. From 77 to 97 I was into the volunteering firefighting back in 2-land before I moved permanently to 4-land. Plus a lot of ham time up there as well. This VE part is just the latest iteration.

And, yes, lots of time. In fact, I am heading out right now to the local American Legion hall for an exam session.


Stan - w2ck
Thanks for the indepth explanation Stan. You are the Man. And thank your wife for us as well. We have many friends that are quilters, and that takes up a mighty big space.

I'm feeling guilty for not studying for my General exam now! I wonder if my brane is as sharp as it was back in 1998ish?

I have not studied for a test in 20 years, and that was for my RN license!

Edit: as I was typing this the monthly tornado alarm in the middle of my property line went off for it's monthly test on the first Saturday of the month! Maybe that's a sign I need to get more active in the Ham bidness, since I could report on it from my front porch. Sigh, running out of excuses...

Tornadoes tain't funny, and we get them here in NC as well so I know, but....

This popped into my head just now....

Tornadoes are circularly polarized!

So, they aren't all that nice to our linearly polarized ham antennas.

Oh, and the Younglings from the Tuesday evening exams are well and truly on the air on the local repeaters now. They seem to have overcome their Mic Fright. ;)


Stan - w2ck

Well, another interesting exam session yesterday. Only five candidates, but all got what they came for. :)

The item of note was a a YL who came in and took all three exams, Tech, General and Extra. And passed them all. :) :)

We refer to that as a Trifecta. :) :) :)

She's a Civil Engineer, so not into this Electronics at all. She just studied well and remembered. Her dad was a ham, so this is the culmination of many years worth of latent desire to get into the hobby herself.

Now she has to wait until Monday to pay the Treasury and Tuesday to get her callsign. That's the bummer of a weekend session. When we do out Third Thursday of each month at 10 AM, we usually get the data to the FCC by 1 PM. If they get the payment into the Treasury by 5 PM, they get their callsigns by the time they get up Friday morning.




I think this fits, Gents
She's a Civil Engineer, so not into this Electronics at all. She just studied well and remembered. Her dad was a ham, so this is the culmination of many years worth of latent desire to get into the hobby herself.
I'm still in the studying phase... I'm hitting about 16% - 34% right now, so I got a ways to go.....


Well, another interesting exam session yesterday. Only five candidates, but all got what they came for. :)

The item of note was a a YL who came in and took all three exams, Tech, General and Extra. And passed them all. :) :)

We refer to that as a Trifecta. :) :) :)

She's a Civil Engineer, so not into this Electronics at all. She just studied well and remembered. Her dad was a ham, so this is the culmination of many years worth of latent desire to get into the hobby herself.

Now she has to wait until Monday to pay the Treasury and Tuesday to get her callsign. That's the bummer of a weekend session. When we do out Third Thursday of each month at 10 AM, we usually get the data to the FCC by 1 PM. If they get the payment into the Treasury by 5 PM, they get their callsigns by the time they get up Friday morning.



She is now KY4WV. Which can be read as: Kentucky for West Virginia. And, she is in North Carolina. She's already asked me about the ins and outs of vanity callsigns. ;)

I didn't bother myself for 44 years with WA2KQY and, man!, I should have about Day Two after the inception of vanity callsigns. :p


Stan - w2ck

We had a family come to our test session last Saturday. Both Mom and Dad got their Tech. They have an 8 year old daughter but she didn't test. After it was over, I had a chat with them. She has renewed interest once I told her I got started at 8 myself. ,)

We have a large session this Saturday in association with the Raleigh club hamfest at the NC State fairgrounds. I wonder if we will see any kids at that one? This is the key in my mind: getting the kids into it. Those two we had pass their exams last month have really been hamming it up around here. It's great to hear, so I thought I'd share. :)

Checking in... K5ROP de Prairieville, LA.

I've been on here for over a decade and must have missed this group. I got my Tech ticket in September 2021 (3 months after my intro into Ham Radio at Field Day), 3 months later in December, the General, and 3 months later, Amateur Extra. I am a member of Baton Rouge Amateur Radio Club (W5GIX) and Ascension Amateur Radio Club (K5ARC). Feel free to check out my QRZ page.

I am an Engineer, IT Guy, and transitioning into a new career in Emergency Management. I am a VE, which is a great way for new members to give back to the club quickly. I also am the Education Coordinator for Baton Rouge ARC and we have taught 2 General Classes and doing an Extra later this year. ARES is a great organization and I encourage Hams to get involved. We finally figured out for the Southeast, to have a Simulated Emergency Test before hurricane season this year, instead of the usual October SET.

It's great to see this and I hope to gain some knowledge and impart some as well, but making new friends is the best reason to be here. On and off the air!

7 3

Well, another interesting exam session yesterday. Only five candidates, but all got what they came for. :)

The item of note was a a YL who came in and took all three exams, Tech, General and Extra. And passed them all. :) :)

We refer to that as a Trifecta. :) :) :)

She's a Civil Engineer, so not into this Electronics at all. She just studied well and remembered. Her dad was a ham, so this is the culmination of many years worth of latent desire to get into the hobby herself.

Now she has to wait until Monday to pay the Treasury and Tuesday to get her callsign. That's the bummer of a weekend session. When we do out Third Thursday of each month at 10 AM, we usually get the data to the FCC by 1 PM. If they get the payment into the Treasury by 5 PM, they get their callsigns by the time they get up Friday morning.


Great to see more YLs and young people joining the craft/hobby. As an engineer, she knows how's to study technical material. Same equations for moving current through a wire and water through a pipe, well, in theory. LOL.
I commend all the exam sessions from the reading I have done on this thread.
We had a VE session this month where 8 of 15 of the examinees were from my class, all passed their General Exams and one YL that was in my class surprised us by not only doing quite well on General, but also took the Extra and passed with a very respectable score. All 15 that we tested that day, passed.

7 3


All right. We had the Raleigh hamfest today. 60 exam candidates, so a very large session for us. We had four Laurel VE teams on hand so plenty of VE power to handle the load. We are now referring to it as Mini-Dayton. :)

Several young folks and quite a few YLs. Most folks got what they came for. One Trifecta (Tech, General and Extra in one sitting).

And the 9 year old that passed his Tech 4th Tuesday in February is now a General. And planning to take his Extra 4th Tuesday this month (we do a 6 PM session 4th Tuesday every other month at the Raleigh club 'get together and actually mess with radio' session).

A very good day.


Stan - w2ck
Very cool! I've been a tech for a few years. I'm in a stupid HOA, so no antennas. I've only got a few HT's. I'd like to get an HF rig, but I'm a broke student (again at 44) so I'll wait.
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