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The First Shave Soap that made you say WOW! The second soap, the second WOW!

I started off with a puck of AOS soap and Castle Forbes cream. Since this was my initial foray into DE shaving and the whole experience was a WOW moment, I'm not sure how much can be attributed to the soap and cream and how much to the general DE shaving experience. Maybe I'm easily impressed, but since then I have experienced the same type of excitement with VdH Luxury, Speick stick and C.O. Bigelow.
First WOW: Sir Irisch Moos / My first lathering of a soap. I've smelled better scents since in soaps, but the lather is only matched by it's German brother Tabac.
Second WOW: Acqua di Parma Collezione Barbiere / I was so blown away by the scent and the luxury, I didn't even realize it was a soap (I though it was a cream.... or is it?)

First wow was LaToja stick. That stuff just exploded into a lather with ease.
The second was the wow that almost wasn't. MWF. I couldn't get the stuff to do a consistent lather in the bowl. I then began to face lather and BOOM - there it was.
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First wow moment was Col. Conk Bay Rum. The only other stuff I had tried before that was Williams and I didn't know the trick to lathering it. The Col. Conk lathered much better.
First (kinda) wow was MWF
Second wow for me was Martin de Candre. It practically aborted any further soap purchases for me.
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I really, really enjoy it. A little pricey, but Royalshave usually puts in on sale once a year at $10 (I will stock up big this time). It produces a type of lather that most other soaps aren't capable of and the scents are really nice.

You're a lot better off getting it from the Calani site. It's cheaper, and comes in a lot more scents that royal shave doesn't carry. Shipping charges aren't bad at all.
You're a lot better off getting it from the Calani site. It's cheaper, and comes in a lot more scents that royal shave doesn't carry. Shipping charges aren't bad at all.

Thanks for that reminder...I always forget about their site. I am about to purchase more, so that will help.
For me it was AOS, followed by Tabac I think. I do also enjoy MWF.

I have plenty of others but those three are the only ones I keep extras of.
Tabac - the first "quality" soap I came across
AoS Tallow First - a very good soap (I love the clay scent)
MdC - an excellent performer
Haslinger Schafmilch with sheep milk and lanolin - my current favorite

1. Czech & Speake Oxford and Cambridge Refill ($38 at Bullgoose). OUTSTANDING!!!
2. Klar Seifen Classic
Unless I missed it in someone's post, I'm going to be the first one to to the Klar into the mix...

I picked up some Klar classic after a tip from a member here and it changed my shave world forever! Out of all my soaps that one gets used the most.

My second wow was Calani Gentleman

I hope that my third wow moment happens this July when I'll be in France. Going to have to drag my wife around until I find the elusive MdC! I'm gonna throw away my dirty clothes and fill the suitcase with bowls of soapy goodness!
For me there are two types of "wow": the "wow, I had no idea this would be so good" and the "wow, this is as good as they all say"

Speick stick I bought on a whim, knowing nothing about it, and it became my number one soap after one use.

I already read about the legendary Cella before I ever tried it, but the first time I tried it, I understood why it was held in such esteem.
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