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The Chubby 3 smashed into my mailbox today

Good buy, the chubby 3 is an amazing brush. You better go order some more soap before you find yourself out completely though! I was amazed how much soap you have to pick up to satisfy such a beast.
That's it...you guys pushed me over the edge and "made me" purchase the missing Chubby in my collection....Chubby 3 Super- 2 Band!!!! Here comes the big boy to join it's little brothers...Chubby 1 and 2. I can't wait to receive this bad, big, but oh so lovely of a brush...I can hear my soaps shaking in their containers :biggrin1:
I used it again today and any reservations I had about its scritchiness disappeared. It was a joy to use and I'm starting to get used to the handle. For a larger brush, it dries pretty quickly. I thought I might be able to use it only once every other day, but this morning it was as dry as my other brushes so I used it again.
I used it again today and any reservations I had about its scritchiness disappeared. It was a joy to use and I'm starting to get used to the handle. For a larger brush, it dries pretty quickly. I thought I might be able to use it only once every other day, but this morning it was as dry as my other brushes so I used it again.

I notice that about my Simpsons 2-bands: fast drying. That's why I special ordered a Classic 1 filled with 2-band for my travel brush. The 3-band Super, on the other hand, is a different story. My CH2 in 3-band Super can take several days to dry.

Your CH3, by the way, is outstanding. Congrats.
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