...If it was not for the Nakaya Neo-Standard in Aka-Tamenuri that just came yesterday the wait would be even harder. ;-)
We have all but 5 members paid up, the "cut our losses day" is the 24th, do shoot me a pm if you need any help with the invoice.
You should give out the names so we can "influence" them to hurry up and pay!!! We already have to wait long enough.
My understanding is that it can be converted to an eye dropper also. I'm not a fan of cartridge or converter pens, my preference is for more ink capacity.
When you say that their isn't going to be any problem with the pen leaking if converted to an eye dropper do you mean leaking from the threads or leaking from the nib when the ink level gets low? If I could use this pen as an eye dropper and it won't drip or burp when the ink level gets low it will be a huge plus for me. . . . .
I have the pitchforks ready. I need a little advance notice for the tar and feathers, though. Or we could just use the "Batista Method"
Bamboo shoots are available from my supply if necessary.
B&B has just received a joint letter signed by Jon Stewart and Bill O'Reilly, recommending the use of Gitmo.
We have all but 5 members paid up, the "cut our losses day" is the 24th, do shoot me a pm if you need any help with the invoice.
My apologies, I was attending a friends wedding on the other side of the country.
I've paid my invoice this morning.
Just means your pen will ship after the new year
Notice BrianW didn't specify which New Year.
Just means your pen will ship after the new year
Looks like we are down to just one member whom has not paid-
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of limited editions, it was the age of VDH soap, it was the epoch of ADs, it was the epoch of self-control, it was the season of vintage razors, it was the season of multi-blade razors, it was the spring of Mama Bear soap, it was the winter of Williams, we had waiting before us, we had more waiting before us, we were all going direct to vendors, we were all going direct to BST--in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
Oh yeah, and someone is holding up the whole process by not paying their invoice!
Awesome... Now to get the tar ready...