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Thanksgiving (November 25th) SOTD!

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Have a great Thanksgiving!
Merkur 1904 Open Comb
Dorco ST-301
Col Conk Lime SS
Tweezerman Brush
Aqua Velva....IMO a classic!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone!:thumbup1:
Trumpers razor
Rooney brush
Trumpers Eucris shave soap
Caswell Massey Lime AS
SMN Toscano Colonia

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Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, November 25.

A blessed and happy Thanksgiving to you all. One of the things that I am thankful for is B&B and the great moderators that make this wonderful community possible.

Leisurely Hot shower
Robert Becker scuttle
Castle Forbes Lavender shaving cream
Simpson Douglas LE brush
Gillette Gold Aristocrat razor
Feather blade
Thayers Lavender WH
GFT Eucris EDT

A wonderful BBS shave.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all,

Thanksgiving Day Shave

Hot shower
Razor: 5/8" Wade & Butcher "Special", Hollow, Spike Point
Brush: 22mm New Forest Silvertip Badger
Überlather: Al Raz' Custom Shave Creme + Glycerin
Astringent: Thayer's Witch Hazel (Rose Petal, no alcohol)
Moisturizer: Trumper's Fragrance-Free Moisturizer
Cologne: Penhaligon Opus 1870
Result: After a nice strenuous hike in the mountains with my wife on this crisp, Thanksgiving morning, I was prepped and ready for a nice treat. As most of us know, today is a special day in the US, and a special day calls for nothing short of a special hardware. The wade & Butcher is one of Glen's restores. Since I know the kind of edge that Glen put on this beauty, I know what to watch out for (last time, I almost killed myself
). However, a razor is just half of the shaving equation...a special razor requires the best überlather and I can't think of any better way of making it than by using one of the best shaving cremes in the market...i.e., "Da Bomb". The custom scent (Cloves, Orange and a hint of cinnamon) is truly intoxicating and very fitting, especially during the holidays. What a treat
!!!! My face feels so smooth that I could even skip Friday's shave altogether...but, that ain't happening. Now, I am ready for tonight's eating frenzy.
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I wish all of you who celebrate this special day a very happy Thanksgiving holiday. Have a great one gentlemen
. Make it count
This SOTD was made possible by Bullgoose and his super fast shipping. I haven't shaved yet, but I am REALLY looking forward to it.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Gillette Diplomat
Penworks Finest Jade
The rest is obvious :001_smile

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your families!

Gillette TV Special w/ Feather
Edwin Jagger Best Badger
Taylor of Old Bond St. Sandalwood Cream
D. R. Harris Pink A/S
Nivea Sensitive ASB
Noxema Cleansing Creme as a Pre
Omega 48 Boar Brush
Musgo Real SC
Merkur 39c w/Timor Blade
Sea Breeze
Speick AS
Barclay-Crocker Unscented ASB
TOBS Shaving Shop

Glad to shower and shave this morning. Needed to make some extra cash this year so I put out that I would smoke or fry turkies this year, the catch was that they had to provide the THAWED turkey. I had 20 people wanting smoked turkies and 50 wanting fried. I had THREE smokers going and 2 fryers going since 5pm yesterday. The last person came about an hour ago and I have finally calmed down to help my family with our dinner.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone. And to all of our troops overseas missing this time with their families a super big THANK YOU. Be safe and I hope you can be with your families soon.
I'm embarrassed to realize this may be my first SOTD photo :blush: so what better time to kick it off than on this special day. Like I mentioned in a Thanksgiving ScentOTD thread, I'm in the mood for smoky and spicy:

Rooney Stubby 3XL
Castle Forbes Cedar Sandalwood
Alt Innsbruk
Gucci Pour Homme

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
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Merkur HD/ Astra SP
CE Best Badger
G5 scuttle
Tabac cream
Dickinson's Witch Hazel
Pinaud Bay Rum

Cold weather shave for a FL Thanksgiving! Happy Turkey Day!
Happy Thanksgiving, today rembeber your blessings.
A hot shower
Johnson Baby Oil
Parker Badger Brush
Spieck Shaving Stick (grated)
Gillette Tech Fat Handle, w/ Derby Blade
Aqua Vela Blue
Nivea after shave balm
It was a successful no turkey shave!

Godrej Lime SC
T4 Long Super-Adj w/ Bluebird
Thayer's Original Suffering Squeezings
Swiss Pitralon
Guerlain Vetiver
I had a very fine shave this morning,

Hot shower - Neutrogena Men Razor Defense Face Scrub
Shavemac Custom Finest Knot brush soaked in warm water
Merkur HD 34C with an Astra SS blade
Body Shop for Men Maca Root Shave Cream
2 passes WTG, 1 XTG, and touch-ups
Rinse face with warm water, then cold
Witch Hazel splash, twice
Rinse face with cold water
generously applied Pre de Provence Aftershave Balm

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
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