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Thank You to all Veterans


I need a flea bath
I am posting this today since I will not be able to get back on for a few days.

I would like to raise my glass in a toast to all of you currently serving our country, to those who have served in the past, and especially to those vets and their families who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

May god bless you all,

Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen.



Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
My dad would drone on endlessly about the war (the big war) while I'd yawn. As a kid, I was completely unimpressed. Now, I consider it the most remarkable thing I can imagine.

I celebrate such occasions by listening to Amused to Death.
They fought, some made it back and some didnt. To all we owe more then you will ever know for your sacrifice. Thank you. We REMEMBER

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Thank you so much veterans! I'm sure you don't hear it enough, but you are greatly appreciated.
First off, thanks Vets.

I was in Washington 2 weeks ago on my son's class trip. There's a statue in front of the National Archives that says 'Eternal Vigilance is the price of liberty'. I think that sums up the need for people to serve like you did. Thank you for that.

Also, Happy Birthday to my daughter, Caroline. My late father in law was a Marine and was excited to hear that my wife went into labor on the 10th (Marine Corps anniversary) but he admitted a day later that having her born on Veteran's Day was a close second.
A grateful "Thank You" to all who have served our country. You fill us with pride and humble us with your dedication.
To my fellow Veterans, today and always, "Thank you".

"Better than honor and glory, and History's iron pen,
Was the thought of duty done and the love of his fellow-men."
- Richard Watson Gilder

- Steve :001_cool:
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