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Taylor's Avocado

Except for the Jermyn and Sensitive creams, all the Taylor's creams are basically the same formula except the scents are different. The Avocado is also different, because it has Avocado oil. The performance boost that you get from it over the regular Taylor's (or standard English cream like Trumpers) is due to the Avocado oil.
Funny, I just shaved with Taylor's avocado for the very first time this morning. Man o' man, to date this cream is about the most moisturizing, slick and packed with essential oils that I have come accross. A delicious experience.

Despite reading many reviews, I too was surprised by the scent. I've been scratching my head all day because I just know that I've smelled it before but can't quite place it. Other's in this thread have described it as cucumber like. I get that, but it's sweeter and with something else. I can think of three things: 1) the smell of a freshly cut pumpkin when you are scooping out the insides on halloween, 2) the smell of the inside of a papaya that's not quite ripe yet, 3) the smell of an avocoda milkshake, yeah that's right, a sweet avocado milkshake that I once had at a vietnamese restaurant. Sounded gross to me at the time. And a green milkshake? Ewwwww. But a friend insisted that I try it and it was absolutley delicious!!!! Anyway, that's exactly what Taylor's avocado smells like.

A spectacular cream that I will continue to use.
Not sure, but the Cocoa Butter (highly comedogenic/pore clogging) in the Jermyn made it a no go for me. I realize there is only a small amount in there, but I didn't want to chance since my skin breaks out easily when using things like that.

It's a freakin' florist shop in a tub.
If that's your idea of a masculine scent or if that's what you want to smell like, fine. TOBS doesn't corner the market on slickness and cushion.
I bought mine due to recommendations on the board here, and it turned out to me a mistake. Used once. I've heard they also recently reformulated it; mine says "paraben free" on the bottom, and I've read plenty of other members speaking negatively about the scent since.
They're a big name with alot of "me too" followers here.
...Anyway, that's exactly what Taylor's avocado smells like.

A spectacular cream that I will continue to use.

Taylor's Avocado smells very much like a florist shop does. It's a very "green" scent in the sense of plants, but not necessarily flowers.

I've always felt (ironically) that florist shops don't really smell like flowers.

I really can't stand the smell of the Avocado, or several of the TOBS for that matter. The St. James smells great though in my opinion.
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