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Tatara Masamune OC

I don’t own a standard Masamune, I bought instead the Masamune Nodachi version with its longer handle (Think Gillette Super 89 vs. Gillette Super 109.) that suits me better. These I have in steel and titanium, but it’s the latter that is the clear winner for me.

As the Nodachi base plate is the same for the open and closed comb versions, you only need to pay for an extra top plate to get both versions. Personally, I found that, after years of using a Mühle R41, the Nodachi closed comb gives me everything that I need. This may be because blade exposure and blade gap for the Nodachi closed comb and open comb versions are identical, quite different from the Mühle R89 and R41. If you feel like, you can also mix-and-match combinations of Masamune and Masamune Nodachi base and top plates, but I never felt the urge to do so.

I did, however, spend the extra money on the titanium version, as I just adore the light mass and ease with which the razor can be handled. But if the light mass means nothing to you, you might as well choose the steel version that only costs about half the price of the titanium version.

I hope this helps…

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