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Tatara masamune brushes

I've got the Muramasa (adjustable) synthetic and a Semogue SOC synthetic (both knots from Semogue). The Muramasa is a noticeable step up from the SOC. I haven't tried the Semogue Pegasus synthetic, but those came out around the same time as the Muramasa adjustable brush. It's not too much of a stretch to think there's some crossover.

The SOC synthetic is fine, and I've used it as a travel brush. Works well, but it's not as good as an AP Shave Co. G5A or G5C (my opinion). Both of those have a more natural (badger-ish) feel in use, and especially splay/flex more gradually than the SOC.

The Muramasa knot on the other hand is right up there with the G5A and G5C. It's a more compact brush but the knot is a top-tier synthetic (for me). I prefer it to a Big Bruce, Muhle Silvertip, SOC, Tuxedo, etc. The adjustable functionality is actually pretty useful in that you can reduce the loft to load the brush and then extend the loft to whatever feels right that day. It's more nice to have than must have, though.

One last thought, the Muramasa handle is super high quality. The fit and finish is just like a Muramasa razor (very, very high) and the adjustment knob feels like the tuning knob on expensive audiophile equipment. Super satisfying in use.
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