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Taking the blade out every time.

The reason I do it is because I use a different razor every day so the blade's coming out anyway.

No reason not to leave the blade in, even if the blade will see no action for a few days or even a week or longer, IMO.

do what makes you happy though, no judgement here.
Negative. I value my fingers infinitely more than a cheap 10¢ blade. Not worth chancing a mishap. Not at all. No sirree.

After rinsing under hot water, my razors get a dip and swish in a jar of 91% isopropyl alcohol that I keep specially for that purpose. Alcohol displaces water and keeps it from leaving dried mineral deposits.
This is what I do as well, although, now I am eyeing a barbicide glass jar....my AD continues to worsen...
No reason not to leave the blade in, even if the blade will see no action for a few days or even a week or longer, IMO.

do what makes you happy though, no judgement here.
What you're saying doesn't make sense. I use a different razor every day so I have to take the blade out in order to put it in the next razor. I shave every day except for a Sunday here or there so the blade gets used several days in a row until it's finished.
I also use a different razor for each shave. I may not re visit a razor for two to three week and surely would lose track on how many times a blade left in a razor was already used. I also use quite a few different Russian branded blades and like to clean out the glue/wax after each shave, yes I like to keep my gear clean, nothing wrong there. If you spend 30-50-100-150-200+ bucks on a razor, why neglect it? It has nothing to do with sharper blades for me, I don't think it matters that much if at all.
I just rinse my razor it cold water from the tap and dry it with a chamois leather and set it aside. Taking the blade in and out is just going to stress the metal in that blade.
I have a question for those who take the blade out. I have a tub of alcohol and have been leaving my blades in there till the next use. Is that ok, or should I just dip them in the alcohol for a few minutes then let them dry?
It's my understanding that the blade should just be dipped and then allowed to dry because there's water in the alcohol unless you're using 100% alcohol.

I have a question for those who take the blade out. I have a tub of alcohol and have been leaving my blades in there till the next use. Is that ok, or should I just dip them in the alcohol for a few minutes then let them dry?
It's my understanding that the blade should just be dipped and then allowed to dry because there's water in the alcohol unless you're using 100% alcohol.

Even 10% alcohol, being hygroscopic, will eventually absorb significant water from the air. Water isn't the issue as much as the oxygen in the air and/or water.

However, NOT an issue...most places, especially Iowa, are always above 10% relative humidity in the air, sometimes as much as 90+ % R.H. Bathrooms are somewhat 'moister' in general, although YMMV.

Storing blades in alcohol for limited periods is not typically an issue. However, you can easily 'do the experiment' with blades (Cheap material to work with) and see the longevity of storage.
What you're saying doesn't make sense. I use a different razor every day so I have to take the blade out in order to put it in the next razor. I shave every day except for a Sunday here or there so the blade gets used several days in a row until it's finished.

Keep a different blade in every razor.

I also use a different razor for each shave. I may not re visit a razor for two to three week and surely would lose track on how many times a blade left in a razor was already used.

I don't keep track of how many times I've used a blade. When it feels dull, or pulls, or feels jagged, I change it.

I also use quite a few different Russian branded blades and like to clean out the glue/wax after each shave, yes I like to keep my gear clean, nothing wrong there. If you spend 30-50-100-150-200+ bucks on a razor, why neglect it? It has nothing to do with sharper blades for me, I don't think it matters that much if at all.

Like I said, that's fine for you.
I think it is overkill, completely unnecessary, and I think you are more playing with your toys than properly maintaining them.
A razor can be kept perfectly clean with minimal effort, and this does not even begin to approach neglect.

But, of course, you should do whatever works best for you.

I find that not screwing and unscrewing a razor's handle every time I use it, and removing and replacing blades constantly equates to less wear and tear on the razor, less chance of an accidental cut, and is completely unnecessary.

Do whatever you want though.

But don't call sensible and reasonable razor care "neglect."
You know, it's probably psychological, but it seems my blades perform better and longer if I take em out of the razor everytime and wash off the schmutz that accumulates after a shave.

Anybody else do this?

Definitely. Residue on the blade definitely does affect the shave.
Keep a different blade in every razor.

No, I'm not going to do that. Between my SE, injectors and DE razors I have well over 100 to choose from so keeping a blade in every one is totally impractical. I use one blade until it's no longer serviceable and then I move on to a new blade.


My elbows leak
Staff member
As Tom has clearly illustrated, there is a valid reason for doing it. Razor rotation is probably the best one out there, especially if you have a large rotation.

If you're using the same razor every day, or just changing razors approximately as frequently as you would change a blade?

Not so much.
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