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Synthetic Sundays!!!

Yaqi Aqua 24mm



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Staff member
Sunday 20241215
Synthetic Sundays

Razor: Shield Polished Ti AC
Blade: Kai Captain Titan Mild Protouch MG (Shaves: 3, Passes: 9)

Brush: AP Shave Co Sith (AP Shave Co 26mm MiG Premium Synthetic Hybrid)
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper
Lather: Shannon's Soap Botanica Rustbelt Reserve
Post-shave Balm: Nivea
Aftershave: Bootlegger's El Dorado

Superb 3-Pass DFS :cool:

Please visit My Journal for shave notes.


Demoted To Moderator
Staff member
Sunday 20241229
Synthetic Sundays

Razor: RazoRock Hawk V3-OC (TiBam New York Ti Handle)
Blade: Kai Captain Titan Mild Protouch MG (Shaves: 3, Passes: 8)

Brush: Paladin Chief B&B 2023 Contributors Brush (Paladin 26mm Synthetic)
Bowl: Shave Nation
Lather: RazoRock Santa Maria Del Fiore Sapone Da Barba
Post-shave Balm: Nivea
Aftershave: RazoRock Santa Maria Del Fiore Lozione Dopo-Barba

Superb 2-Pass DFS :cool:

Please visit My Journal for shave notes.


Demoted To Moderator
Staff member
Sunday 20250105
Synthetic Sundays

Razor: AliEx Wood Handle AC Folding Barber Razor
Blade: Kai Captain Titan Mild Protouch MG (10 shaves, 26 passes and retired)

Brush: AP Shave Co Purple Haze (Mühle 25mm STF)
Bowl: Shave Nation
Lather: RazoRock The Dead Sea
Post-shave Balm: Nivea
Aftershave: RazoRock The Dead Sea

Excellent 2-Pass CCS++ :cool:

Please visit My Journal for shave notes.
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