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Synthetic brush knot recommendation

I am looking for some recommendations for a synthetic brush knot. I have a Zenith 502bc boar brush that has been nothing but trouble. Can't lather worth a darn even after a lengthy break-in period and is the most frustrating thing... shaving should not be frustrating. I love the handle - cobalt blue, smooth with good weight - but hate the knot. So, today I finally steamed out the knot, removed the huge block of epoxy, and Dremeled the heck out of the remaining layers of epoxy (Zenith apparently didn't want the knot to fall out or be removed).

Anyway, it is now ready to have a new knot. But, what to use? I am not familiar with all the ins/outs and brands of "knot-dom". However, I want to use a synthetic as they seem to be the most reliable and less difficult brushes to work with - at least for me.

I currently have a Razorock Barber 24, which uses a synthetic 24mm Plissoft bulb knot. This is very soft, has some backbone, but not a lot, splays readily and produces great lather. I also have a Shavemac custom with a synthetic 24mm G5C fan knot. This one has more backbone, and it splays well but takes a bit more oomph to get going. It still produces great lather but has a habit of pushing it around the face more due to its stiffness. It has great exfoliation/scrubbing action. When it splays, it is very wide. I would probably like something that doesn't take over my face like the Alien face-hugger.

Note, I face lather.

So, I figure I have a soft, easy splay, no scrub with the Plissoft bulb, and a still rather soft texture but firmer, splayable and scrubby with the G5C fan, so I'm thinking that this one should be something in the middle?

Considerations for recommendations:
1) The Zenith handle is designed for 26mm knot so from the get-go it is wider than the other two brushes. I would like to reign in the splay diameter if possible (note face-hugger reference above). Yes, I can set the knot lower to reduce it, but there is a limit to how low to go.
2) I would like the backbone to be firmer than the Plissoft, and less than the G5C.
3) It can have some scrubbiness, but not near that of the G5C.
4) I know that there are bulb/fan hybrids and that is a possibility as that would be right between the other two types, but I don't know how wide they splay, and we are already starting at a 2mm wider knot. So, fan is out, bulb and hybrids (possibly) are in.
5) I would prefer to keep the price of the knot around $10, maybe up to $15.
6) At this time, the color of the knot doesn't matter, but will be taken into consideration later.



Is it swell time?
I would suggest to look into the SilkSmoke knot by @apshaveco. It’s more towards the Plissoft but has a good amount of backbone - especially if you pay a little with the loft setting.

Another option might be the independent knots Andrew carries. I believe these are actually Simpson T knots but unbranded. Do you basically can get a T3 with a Zenith handle.

A tuxedo knot might also be an option. My Yaqi is very comfortable at least.

I would suggest to first use silicone so you can test your wanted setting before you make it permanent with glue or epoxy. If that is even necessary.

Good luck! Looking forward to your pictures of the end result!
I would suggest a Mühle STF knot, but they may be a bit too soft for your liking? As a face latherer, they certainly are my favorite so far! I have a size M, but would consider a size L as my next one.

I also owned an Oumo with a G5 SHD knot.... wouldn't go that route, density of the knot was too high for my taste.

Yeah the lowest I have seen is yaqi brushes for 10-15 bucks regardless if you buy them on aliexpress or another vendor. I thought yaqi brushes and Phoenix shaving brushes were a steal at their price points. I wont pay more than 40 for a brush. Anything under 10 dollars is usually boar and thats too rough for me.
I have the Plissoft and G5C. For what it's worth, STF is really in the middle of those two, but it's certainly not $10. I find Andrew's knot properties guide to be accurate based on the knots I have from that list (G5C, G5B, STF).

I also find 24mm to be overkill. My Plissoft is 22 and STF is 19, both plenty big for my needs. Check my post earlier today for excruciatingly detailed comparisons of these two with my G5C.
I also find 24mm to be overkill. My Plissoft is 22 and STF is 19, both plenty big for my needs.
Normally I would stop at 24mm, but the brush handle is made for 26mm. I am hoping that a 26mm bulb/fan hybrid would have less diameter than a 24mm full fan.

Looking at Andrew's guide, I was thinking about possibly the Silksmoke 26mm which is a very nice-looking knot. It is either in bulb or flat fan. Not sure if I want another bulb, but I definitely don't like the look of the flat fan. $10. There is also the SynBad 26mm which only comes in bulb or fan ($10, $11). Or a Tuxedo 26mm in bulb and fan ($10, $5.50). Those seem to be the ones to choose from for me at APShaveCo. No hybrids.

At PAA, there is the Roswell Grey Hybrid 26mm ($8.95) which also looks really good. They use this knot in their StarCraft handle which has a similar blue color to my handle. I think I like the lighter gray of the Silksmoke better, but this has the hybrid knot. I did send PAA an email asking about the diameter of the head - I want to see how that compares to my 24mm G5C fan. That answer may seal the deal for it or have me choose from the APShaveCo ones or something else if it presents itself.
Normally I would stop at 24mm, but the brush handle is made for 26mm. I am hoping that a 26mm bulb/fan hybrid would have less diameter than a 24mm full fan.

Looking at Andrew's guide, I was thinking about possibly the Silksmoke 26mm which is a very nice-looking knot. It is either in bulb or flat fan. Not sure if I want another bulb, but I definitely don't like the look of the flat fan. $10. There is also the SynBad 26mm which only comes in bulb or fan ($10, $11). Or a Tuxedo 26mm in bulb and fan ($10, $5.50). Those seem to be the ones to choose from for me at APShaveCo. No hybrids.

At PAA, there is the Roswell Grey Hybrid 26mm ($8.95) which also looks really good. They use this knot in their StarCraft handle which has a similar blue color to my handle. I think I like the lighter gray of the Silksmoke better, but this has the hybrid knot. I did send PAA an email asking about the diameter of the head - I want to see how that compares to my 24mm G5C fan. That answer may seal the deal for it or have me choose from the APShaveCo ones or something else if it presents itself.
A couple thoughts...

*I thought I only wanted fans until I got these STF and Plissoft bulbs. But my G5C fan is waaaay stiffer than either of those bulbs.

*Both of my 24 mm AP knots live in handles sold with 24-26mm knots. You might not need the bigger knot. A 24 knot in what is probably a 27ish hole should have easier splay and less backbone than a 26 knot in the same hole at the same depth. Measure the hole and email Andrew for his thoughts. Make sure to tell him how much or little backbone you want.

*My 24 G5C fan and 24 G5B bulb splayed out to the same diameter when set to the same loft. I reset the G5B to max loft and now it splays a little bigger.

*Check out this post for a photo of a 26 Plissoft and 24 PAA:
Here's the 24mm Peregrino next to a 26mm RazoRock Big Bruce (another fantastic synth you might want to check out). Facefeel-wise, the PAA dwarfs the big bruce.

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