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SUV Tires: Dumb Questions

Tire Rack is the place to go for information and reviews as well as a comparison of tires that will fit your vehicle with rankings and a breakdown of numerous items such as noise level, snow and ice traction, wear, smoothness of ride, etc. There are also reviews by customers that have purchased a particular tire with the location where they have driven, type of vehicle they are on, how many miles driven, etc. and if they would purchase the same tire again.
My opinion and personal experience; I have not had good results from Bridgestone. I have had GREAT results from Michelon. That's what I would recommend. I would also recommend buying from Tire Rack (http://www.tirerack.com). You buy the tires and have them drop shipped to a tire dealer who installs them. The tire dealer gets paid for the balancing and mounting of the tires. You save money on the tires. I have done this with 4 sets of tires with no problems. Just pay attention as to where you have the tires shipped from. Wait until a supplier close to you has the tires in stock. O/W, the shipping from a far away supplier erases your savings.
we have an all wheel drive BMW X3 and the factory tires were Michelin all season , got 70K b4 we needed new ones , replaced with same , great in the NewEngland snow , haven't needed "snow" tires - I firmly believe in paying more for a great tire and getting 70K rather than getting cheapo tires and replacing them every 25-30K.
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Michelin hands down. I worked for a large tire retailer and they hated selling Michelin tires because they would never get repeat business from that customer until they bought a new car. Those things seemingly never wear out. I just bought a new truck and it came with Michelins and they ride beautifully. Have to see what the winter performance is like...
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