which one do u do. honestly i superlather everytime
I do it when I have a little bit of a soap and cream that I am trying to use up...otherwise, no.
which one do u do. honestly i superlather everytime
Can't say that I've tried it to be honest? Seems to be a bit of a waste of soap/cream. Not that I'm short on either but why use more than is really required? Is it really worth using double the amount of products?
i've never tried it, either. Don't see the point, if you are already using good soap, why bother? If your soap does not work, then get rid of it and get something that does work.
I do uberlather only once in a blue moon. I like it, but I found myself to have become proficient enough to make very, very good lather without the soap. However, I do use Glycerin (for moisturizing). I also found that using something like Stephan's Conditioning Shave Creme (before my lather) helps as, shall we say, a pre-shave treatment.
Also, I make my lather in a bowl, but sometimes on my face. Both work fine.
To make a long story short and answer your question: it depends on the day and what I feel like. But, short cutting myself on the prep will inevitably lead to an inferior shave...so, I do it right...super or regular .
+1, and +1 to all similar opinions expressed before this cited one.I never make superlather. If a soap doesn't lather well I just toss it away. I just don't like the idea to waste quality products to upgrade inferior soaps.
I never make superlather. If a soap doesn't lather well I just toss it away. I just don't like the idea to waste quality products to upgrade inferior soaps.