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superlather or no superlather

Never superlather. I have too many choices by themselves to pick from, I couldnt even think of combining them.
Can't say that I've tried it to be honest? Seems to be a bit of a waste of soap/cream. Not that I'm short on either but why use more than is really required? Is it really worth using double the amount of products?

I've never tried it, either. Don't see the point, if you are already using good soap, why bother? If your soap does not work, then get rid of it and get something that does work.
I put a dollop of Tabac Shave Cream on my Tabac puck and whip up a wonderful thick bunch of Tabac goodness! I follow up my BBS with some Tabac AS! It is as good as it gets!
I've been making uberlather for a couple of weeks now -- since I first heard about it. I can get a good lather from my Proraso soap without it, but it's a good way to use up some nice smelling shaving cream that simply dries out too quickly for a str8 newbie like me. It really doesn't add much time to my routine, and I like the fact I can afford to re-lather anytime I'm not happy with a pass I make.

Is it essential to me? Nope, but the extra ingredients seem to keep it hydrated longer.

And that'll teach me to spring for 2 tubes of shaving cream that doesn't suit my current needs!

I have only tried it a few times, mainly to see what happens putting different combinations. My favorite, and complete overkill, combined MWF and Pen's Blenheim Bouquet cream. Hubba hubba :001_wub:
I add a pea size amount of Cremo to my Col. Conks for added lubricity. Doesn't qualify as super lather, but it does help with the shave. Can't wait to stock up when I get back to the states.:biggrin1:
I don't do it. Seems a silly waste to me. If you think you need to make a superlather, you need look at your lather making tools, abilities or trash the soap/cream you're using.
I never make superlather. If a soap doesn't lather well I just toss it away. I just don't like the idea to waste quality products to upgrade inferior soaps.
I do uberlather only once in a blue moon. I like it, but I found myself to have become proficient enough to make very, very good lather without the soap. However, I do use Glycerin (for moisturizing). I also found that using something like Stephan's Conditioning Shave Creme (before my lather) helps as, shall we say, a pre-shave treatment.

Also, I make my lather in a bowl, but sometimes on my face. Both work fine.

To make a long story short and answer your question: it depends on the day and what I feel like. But, short cutting myself on the prep will inevitably lead to an inferior shave...so, I do it right...super or regular :001_smile.


I do the same thing you do with the Stephan's. I like to throw on a little bit of a brushless shave cream, usually Sheffield's, before I lather up with a soap. Since these kind of creams don't lather I never fully considered this a true superlather and kind of see it like you as a pre-shave treatment. It helps as prep, a little extra cushion and a little slip.
I tried for the first time this am

Mamabear soap- basil -Lime with

Zirh - Cream tub - as most know this cream is excellent but does not lather --

so being that the zirh does not lather i said let me try to super it up...

and wow what a lather---- I will be soing this with the zirh... excellant results!!
I usually sublather Williams. By skipping the soap part and not adding the cream, I save a bit of money and time, and my shaves are no worse for it.
I have superlathered a few times. Not really sure if it's worth it or not. Lately I only want to use products that stand up on their own.
Uberlather on my nonscented soap & creams. But on my toms maine mint i leave it alone. Love the smell and feel of that stuff. Luckily i'm still able to purchase it locally even yrs after they stop making it. :biggrin1:
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