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Super Speed Identification

Guido, I thought you mean that photo about no notched/notched:


  • $Notch-no notch.jpg
    91.5 KB · Views: 17,167
I wasn't aware of this one, Achim. I may go ahead and add it as a more side by side comparison. Thanks. Although, I still like the others as they give a front and rear view.
Thank you! I really enjoyed reading this. :001_smile
You answered many questions I had concerning Superspeeds.
This should definitely be added to the Wiki
Since the "no notch" SS was manufactured only during 1947, would they br more valuable than the rest?[

Yes, given two razors in identical condition I would say the '47 no notch would be quite a bit more valuable to the collector based on scarcity alone. Having been made only one year as opposed to three years for the notched no date code ones and another three plus years for the date coded ones.

It is simply a case of supply and demand. Basic economic principle.
Z4 old style SS is going to be the rarest of the bunch. They were literally the last of their kind.

Interesting the Brazilian variants there Achim.
Here is a black handle Super-Speed from 1985 (F1) without knurling on the tip. No "Made in...", so maybe a German Super-Speed

Wow! Totally different blade tray design there. And the diamond free "Gillette" and the placement of the date codes are unique. Nice addition, Achim!

BTW, I found my first no notched Super Speed today in a small town antique store! Very cool.

Father Sarduchie your thread is coming along nicely. Keep up the fine work..:thumbup1:

Thanks. I'll keep updating the initial post to keep everything in one place. I am looking into Achim's weird '73 50's style. BTW, I am disassembling a couple of Blue Tips hoping to match the better handle with the better head. I think I'm getting a little too hooked. :blush:
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