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Sunday Day Off


My elbows leak
Staff member
Yeah, I used to take one or two days off on the weekend when I used cartridges. Not anymore, I shave 7 days a week. I shave my head as well, and that is pretty much every other day. Funny how I look forward to something I used to find a tedious chore.

Amen brother.
Like the op i take a sunday off to rest my face, and other days as well if i am not working, love de shaving but i believe in giving your skin some free time.
I do not shave on my off days unless I need to for a special occasion or just feel like shaving. I find that my best shave is when I have a day or two worth of growth to mow down. :thumbup1: When I do, I bust out the open comb, throw in a Shark and give it heck!:thumbup: Ahhhhh utopia!!!!:lol:
If I take a day off it's Saturdays as the day is usually spent on chores. On Sundays however, I go to chapel in the mornings - it's a Methodist church so I use my most parsimonious kit and try not to enjoy my shave. :001_smile
I shave 5 times a week. Monday-Thursday morning. and saturday night for my early sunday morning. After Saturday, I change my blade. It keeps me having a sharp blade without breaking the bank (which I dont do with my DE anyways.)
If I take a day off it's Saturdays as the day is usually spent on chores. On Sundays however, I go to chapel in the mornings - it's a Methodist church so I use my most parsimonious kit and try not to enjoy my shave. :001_smile

Military indoctrination and the requisites from various jobs keeps me from taking a day off. Nowadays my weekend shaves are for experimentation, a new blade, a new soap, ect... Unless an experiment fails horrifically it's every day for me.
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