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Summer of Lebron

Listening to the LBJ speculation on Chicago sports radio was just too much for me today, and I had to turn it off. It got to the point that they were discussing what Lebron was wearing at his meetings with various teams. It was like the pre-Oscars ceremony. So I tuned into the Cubs game, and I honestly don't know which is more mind-numbing this summer -- NBA free agency or the Cubs.

Listening to the LBJ speculation on Chicago sports radio was just too much for me today, and I had to turn it off. It got to the point that they were discussing what Lebron was wearing at his meetings with various teams. It was like the pre-Oscars ceremony. So I tuned into the Cubs game, and I honestly don't know which is more mind-numbing this summer -- NBA free agency or the Cubs.


If he just joined the Cubs...

Amare Stoudemire is a Knick. Well, that's good. A center who doesn't play defense. The amazing thing is that the Knicks called Lebron to make sure he was okay with this. David Stern should just hand him the league. This is incredible.
Well, I was right about Amare. :laugh:

Looks like Wade could go to Chicago now...which I'd love as a Bulls fan. If they can get Wade and Bosh or Boozer, they'd be the favorites going into next year in my opinion...adding them to Rose and Noah. Not even a LeBron/Amare Knicks team could keep up...they'd have no one else since they're losing the only good player they have in David Lee.
I do not like the NBA or basketball in general, but I really hope LeBron choose Cleveland. He may win rings if he moves to another city, but he will also forever loose the image he has worked so hard for.
I do not like the NBA or basketball in general, but I really hope LeBron choose Cleveland. He may win rings if he moves to another city, but he will also forever loose the image he has worked so hard for.
He will also add another chapter of disappointment to a city that has seen its share of it should he choose to leave.
I think he will stay in Cleveland. I read an article that made the point that he can never be the greatest of all time if he leaves Cleveland, because Jordan never left Chicago. Jordan joined a bad franchised and built it up. If Lebron leaves, it makes it seem like he needed to leave in order to win, making it the franchise that made the star, not the star that made the franchise. Neither Jordan nor Kobe Bryant had to do that. I believe that Lebron wants to be the GOAT.

Cleveland is now talking about a sign and trade for Chris Bosh.
I think he will stay in Cleveland. I read an article that made the point that he can never be the greatest of all time if he leaves Cleveland, because Jordan never left Chicago. Jordan joined a bad franchised and built it up. If Lebron leaves, it makes it seem like he needed to leave in order to win, making it the franchise that made the star, not the star that made the franchise. Neither Jordan nor Kobe Bryant had to do that. I believe that Lebron wants to be the GOAT.

Cleveland is now talking about a sign and trade for Chris Bosh.

Nope. Bosh didn't want to play in Cleveland (can't blame him). He's joining Dwayne Wade in Miami now.

LeBron will go to Chicago or New York.

As a Bulls fan, I'm hoping for Chicago but I realistically think he's joining the Knicks.

The Bulls should still end up with Carlos Boozer or David Lee and another SG...Mike Miller and Ray Allen are out there...which will still improve their team a lot.

The East is going to be crazy next year with Miami, Chicago, New York if LeBron goes there, Orlando, Atlanta...probably not Boston though, their run is over and they're likely losing Ray Allen.
An hourlong f**king special on ESPN?!?!? Even in our media-crazed age, this takes the unhealthy glorification of pro athletes to a new low.
Lebron's media circus is getting torched by the fishwraps. SI and Yahoo writers giving him the business (deservedly so, IMHO).
At first I was irritated to hear that he's doing this Thursday night special, but apparently the sales of sponsorship are going to the Boys and Girls Club of America.

I really want to hate this guy for a lot of reasons, but he seems to be a good person and he's making it very difficult.

They're now saying he's going to Miami, which I really hope is not true. I couldn't blame him for doing it, though. Living in Miami and playing with two other superstars would probably be my choice.
At first I was irritated to hear that he's doing this Thursday night special, but apparently the sales of sponsorship are going to the Boys and Girls Club of America.

Oh c'mon Salvador, if LeBron really wanted to just make sure some cash went to the Boys and Girls Club of America, he can easily just stroke a check. This is about him and how he loves the attention, first and foremost. The other part's a smokescreen for his enormous ego.

One Christmas Day back when Shaq was in LA, he bought thousands of dollars worth of Sony Playstations, loaded the back of a pickup truck, and cruised through Los Angeles' worst neighborhoods with a Santa hat on, doling them out for the poor kids...didn't even bother to notify the news.

LeBron's an incredible talent, and though I'd have to say that at his age (25) Kobe was already a last-second assassin, I can imagine LeBron rising to those levels before his career's finished. I hope he'll stay in Cleveland.

Looking forward to reading/hearing the results of the show on the news/internet :)
Oh c'mon Salvador, if LeBron really wanted to just make sure some cash went to the Boys and Girls Club of America, he can easily just stroke a check. This is about him and how he loves the attention, first and foremost. The other part's a smokescreen for his enormous ego.

One Christmas Day back when Shaq was in LA, he bought thousands of dollars worth of Sony Playstations, loaded the back of a pickup truck, and cruised through Los Angeles' worst neighborhoods with a Santa hat on, doling them out for the poor kids...didn't even bother to notify the news.

Oh, absolutely. You are 100% correct. He is 100% committed to his ego and building himself up as a superstar. When I read that he was doing this show tonight, I thought, "What a diva." However, if the profits go to charity that defuses some of the stupidity surrounding it. Whether it's an act or not, money is going to people who need it and that makes it more difficult for me to dislike him than if he was reaping all the profits himself.

I'm sure the indigent in Los Angeles were just thankful he wasn't giving out Sega Genesis' with copies of Shaq Fu. :lol:
An hourlong f**king special on ESPN?!?!? Even in our media-crazed age, this takes the unhealthy glorification of pro athletes to a new low.

"As historic monuments go, this is the Rushmore of basketball hubris and narcissism. The vacuous star for our vacuous times. All about ‘Bron and all about nothing."
-Adrian Wojnarowski

It's already given that Lebron's ego is bigger than the state of Florida, but ESPN just makes me sick.


At first I was irritated to hear that he's doing this Thursday night special, but apparently the sales of sponsorship are going to the Boys and Girls Club of America.

I really want to hate this guy for a lot of reasons, but he seems to be a good person and he's making it very difficult.

They're now saying he's going to Miami, which I really hope is not true. I couldn't blame him for doing it, though. Living in Miami and playing with two other superstars would probably be my choice.

I agree with all three points above.

He looks genuinely sad for hurting the fans of Cleveland. Must of been a super hard decision.

I wish him the best of luck in Miami, but I still think Kobe is the most amazing closer in NBA history, obviously only slightly beating out Mr Jordan.
The Cleveland Cavaliers' front office is to blame for all of this. LeBron James is a great player, one of the greatest today, and can arguably be called one of the greatest ever. Be that as it may, the top brass for the Cavs had not one, or two, but seven seasons to build a team around James. One man can't lift a franchise alone. Michael Jordan didn't do it when the Chicago Bulls were so dominant in the 1990s; they also had Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman, John Paxson, and they were coached by Phil Jackson. There was a level of consistency within that franchise, and if there were changes made, they were augmentative to the team. The front office knew what to do. It would seem that, not just with the Cavaliers, but with all Cleveland sports teams, the owners just don't have a clue. I mean, Mo Williams? Shaq? What were they thinking?

LeBron wants to win. LeBron deserves to win. And quite frankly, that just was not going to happen in Cleveland.
Oh, he may be a wonderful person, but I am rooting, rooting, rooting for Miami to totally SUCK. This is going to be a media nightmare. There is going to be no end of talk about this team. I would like nothing more than for them to miss the playoffs. They could be the new evil super power, like the Soviet Union. I don't have anything personal against any of the guys, but I really want them to fail together. I don't know if that makes sense, but that's the case.

Cavs' owner Dan Gilbert is having a hissy fit.

I was hoping he'd stay in Cleveland for the sake of Cleveland and his own legacy, but, like I said, who can blame a 20-something-year-old guy for wanting to make millions of dollars playing basketball with two of his friends in a city on the water that is warm all year long and full of beautiful women and night life? And that, right there, is why I'd hate this guy even if he was the masculine version of Mother Teresa.
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