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Straight razor cheating

I have to confess,in the few months that i have been straight razor shaving,i do seem to have mastered it pretty well,i can give myself a bbs shave,the problem for me lies directly below my nose,no matter what angle i use or how i move my nose,i just can't get a good shave under my nose,and i end up finishing my shave under the nose with one of my DE razors,and i don't seem to be getting any better with experience either🙄
My problem is the opposite. I have no problem shaving under my nose with a straight, but sometimes I do have a problem there with a safety razor. What works for me is to tilt my head back and pull my skin down (also known as stretching) from just above my upper lip with an outstretched forefinger. Give it a shot if you haven’t tried it. It also may be a case where raising the spine for a steeper angle may be called for (usually foresworn) meaning that a very short stroke should be used there.

Hope this makes sense.
I have to confess,in the few months that i have been straight razor shaving,i do seem to have mastered it pretty well,i can give myself a bbs shave,the problem for me lies directly below my nose,no matter what angle i use or how i move my nose,i just can't get a good shave under my nose,and i end up finishing my shave under the nose with one of my DE razors,and i don't seem to be getting any better with experience either🙄
To clarify, you are stating that you are fairly comfortable making both north-south and east-west passes, but not getting a close enough shave? If so, that is probably due to blade sharpness. I find the stache area to be the most dense/coarse and hardest to get a really close shave even with shavette. You could try adding a final "fool's pass", a south-to-north pass as that will provide the closest shave.
I do have plenty time today,so i maybe spend a bit of time,practising various angles and maybe even various razors,on my problem under nose area today👍🏽
First pass is to bring the blade up perpendicular to the face under your nostrils and turn it and scrape down. Its not very comfortable. Second pass is referred to as "the fool's pass", and for a reason. Hold the blade at the spine at each end with both hands and with movement from the fingers only and resting the top of the wrists on your jaws, shave up at the normal angle from the top of your mustache to your nostrils. I find the heel of the blade best for both passes, but it's always a little tricky
I have a place on my neck just under the jaw that I have a really hard time getting smooth with a straight on some days. Other days it is a cinch. I don't know why, but it seems my whiskers are in rebellion a couple of days a week.
For fool's pass I use very short "nibbling" strokes so that even if I were to suffer a brain fart the damage would be limited to primarily embarrassment. With a nibble you are already stopping the blade even as you advance it (if that makes any sense) so that "slipping" or worse, "stall-then-skip" that can happen on a longer smoother stroke isn't even possible.

A safe and drama free fools pass does require a good edge and any struggle there sends a razor to the queue for remediation.
For fool's pass I use very short "nibbling" strokes so that even if I were to suffer a brain fart the damage would be limited to primarily embarrassment. With a nibble you are already stopping the blade even as you advance it (if that makes any sense) so that "slipping" or worse, "stall-then-skip" that can happen on a longer smoother stroke isn't even possible.

A safe and drama free fools pass does require a good edge and any struggle there sends a razor to the queue for remediation.
Safe & controlled motions are not to be underrated. Mom was not expecting this to happen (video clip):
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