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Straight Razor Acquisition Thread

Scored this Case Red Imp 132 on eBay - my second.

I thought for sure that I would need to pull out the sandpaper, but the razor cleaned up nicely just using Mothers polish. This razor has never been used.

I was able to leave the dark finish on the tang and monkey tail. I love the contrast. Does anyone understand how the dark finish was produced?

Case made good quality razors!


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My understanding is it was something similar to the nitriding finish used on pistols. Love my two Case 133's
Another from Matt.
Does anyone understand how the dark finish was produced?

Yup, blued steel. You can touch it up with Gun Cold Bluing, make sure the steel is clean and grease free. Clean with a bit of Alcohol and paper towel.

Pour a bit of bluing into a small container, (you don’t need much to re-blue / touch up a tang), and apply with Q-tip or clean small paint brush. Repeated light coats make a darker, more even finish.

Do not work out of the bottle, if you do, you will/can contaminate the contents of the bottle.

Blow dry with compressed air and apply oil, 3 in one or WD40 to prevent rust. Thinned Testor’s red enamel painted to fill the stamps and wipe with a credit card or plastic and paper towel. May take a couple fills.

Easy to hone and take a screaming edge, great shavers.
I've been searching for a Sheffield chopper re-grounded to extra hollow for quite some time without being able to find a wide blade with a thin enough grind and good condition. So, I went for plan B and took a salvageable Wade & Butcher FBU 8/8+ and sent it to Ulrik from Koraat, asking him to put on it the thinnest grind possible without (or almost without) a belly. It's dressed with Juma Violet scales, nickel-silver wedge and brass pins & collars. Before and after pictures below.


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