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Stirling soap PIF CONUS

I'm in. I was in on a conference call tonight with 925 participants. 914 of them didn't say a word. They are all highly intelligent people with a great deal to say, but almost all of them refrained from piping up so that the leaders could convey what they needed to. Attentive silence in a room of 950 is a beautiful thing. Courtesy isn't easy in this situation. It is nice to see cooperation on this level.
I'm in. I received an email from another B&B member saying how they appreciated my service. He went above and beyond and sent me some cigars!!! Really made me happy so I'm putting together a few "Afghanistan Thank You Packages" for the gents. Pay it forward, ya know?
I'm in. My wife (a third grade teacher at a low income school) noticed that a student wore a dirty, tattered coat every day, even when it was hot outside and would not take it off. She had received the coat two years before, through a donation program my grandfather helped to start. Our masonic lodge adopted the school and for the last 28 years has continued to donate about 50 coats per year to its underpriveledged students. Well, my wife and I decided to purchase a new coat just for her. She loved it, and proudly wore it to school every day for the rest of that school year and the next.
I'm in.

A coworker and I went to Chipotle one day for lunch, and the guy in front of my coworker turns to him and says "Hey, I got yours." My coworker in turn, got mine, I got the next person, and so on. I didn't see how long it went on, but hopefully it brightened someone's day.

Thanks for the chance to win, I'm sure it'll brighten up the winner's day
I'm in.

Yesterday I gave away some spare part car parts to someone I just met that has the same kind of car and may have a need. I cleared a space in my garage and he has something he can use.
I'm in!

I had a fellow shaver send me a Gillette Super Spreed out of the blue to help get me started with a DE.
I'm in.

A little tradition in the Army officer corps is that A newly commissioned officer will keep a Silverdollar in his pocket, and will give it to the first person who salutes him. I kept mine for all of an hour, and was out at the gas station at Fort Benning, GA getting a soda when I gave it up. I dutifully gave my silver dollar to the PFC who saluted me and noted his name,

I pinged him when I was promoted, and something sort of happened.

Seven years on, he is a staff sergeant and I am a senior captain. We keep in touch by email. I send him a silver dollar every time I am promoted, and I sent him my unit coin (sort of like an award for merit; you give em to people who do a good job or help you out) after I assumed command of a battery (artillery or ADA unit, about 200 guys in my case).

Hoo ah.... Gave up my coin within 30 minutes. Great Army tradition, I'm glad to see it's still being done.
I'm in.

I was working overnight and had a particularly stressful night at work. When morning came, it seemed everything had just come together perfectly. I left work feeling really good about myself and the situation. On my way home, I stopped at a drive through fast food place to pick up breakfast for myself and my wife. (I usually picked up breakfast and we would eat it together when we got home. She also worked overnights.). As I was sitting in the long drive through line I was still feeling good about my good fortune of pulling off the night before. I noticed in my rearview window the vehicle behind me was a mom with some kids in the car looking stressed out. When I got to the window to pick up my order and pay, I decided to do my "Ninja-kindness" act. I paid for mine, and got my food. I then told the cashier if I could pay for the order behind me. She looked at me a little odd and said sure! I told her when that person got to the window to let her know her breakfast was taken care of and to have a nice day. It was something small to do, but it made my already good morning mojo increase ten fold.
I will still do this from time to time. I don't know how it affects the other person as I don't hang around. It's just good to me that I can brighten up another's day in a small way.
I'm in. Recently I had lost my job and was having difficulties getting unemployment benefits. I needed some cartridges for my fusion razor so I can clean up for any potential interviews. Several people on this site were able to help me. Not only did I get the cartridges I needed but someone was nice enough to send me a DE shaving kit. I am grateful for the help I received and plan in the future when I am back on my feet, doing the same for someone else.
So many good stories here. I know it's not easy for a lot of us to share our good deeds, but it's nice to hear about them. It's really easy to get down on the world and say it's all bad and it all sucks...and a lot of it does. But if you want to, you can focus on the bright shining lights of good deeds, large and small, that happen all around you every day. They can make all the difference.
I'm in.

Being a disabled vet, every now and then when my wife and I eat out, some kind person has paid for our meals. My wife always breaks into tears.

Just a couple of weeks ago we were visiting our in-laws. My wife and I went to the Mexican restaurant where we would go when we were dating. As we are sitting there I see a young couple, probably about 18 or 19, sit down in view of us. This is south Georgia in a town where guys with ball caps on never seem to take them off when eating. I was always raised to remove my hat when sitting at the dinner table. So I am watching them. He waits for her to sit and then he sits himself. He takes of his cap. Has horrible hat hair by the way. I watch their mannerisms and such and they are in love. You can tell but they are being modest. Since he took his hat off they have my attention. She orders a tea and he orders water. They hold hands for a bit and then the food comes. Nachos. They are ordering cheap I see. He moves to her bench and they hold hands (under the table but I can see) while he says a very quiet blessing (I'm two tables over and cannot hear but I know what they are doing). They eat and talk. I'm just so taken by these two little kids on a date in the same restaurant where I took my wife when we were dating. The boy is doing everything right in my book. In the end I have the waiter bring them a fried ice cream with two spoons and I pay their bill and tip and tell the waiter to tell them that their meal today was on the house and my wife and I leave so we aren't spotted because I couldn't stop smiling remembering all the times I took my wife there. Paying it forward feels good, doesn't it?
I'm in.

We are doing OK, but my kids have a fair amount of friends whose families don't have 2 dimes to rub together. They are always finding ways to help out with basic school supplies, everyday needs and even clothes on occasion. They go out of their way to make sure that no one knows they are doing it, and keep it so they don't embarass them or call attention to the situation. I'm very proud of all 3.
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