I'm in. Thanks for the opportunity , I've been wanting to try some of the Stirling soaps.
I'm in.
A little tradition in the Army officer corps is that A newly commissioned officer will keep a Silverdollar in his pocket, and will give it to the first person who salutes him. I kept mine for all of an hour, and was out at the gas station at Fort Benning, GA getting a soda when I gave it up. I dutifully gave my silver dollar to the PFC who saluted me and noted his name,
I pinged him when I was promoted, and something sort of happened.
Seven years on, he is a staff sergeant and I am a senior captain. We keep in touch by email. I send him a silver dollar every time I am promoted, and I sent him my unit coin (sort of like an award for merit; you give em to people who do a good job or help you out) after I assumed command of a battery (artillery or ADA unit, about 200 guys in my case).