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STG closing Mac Baren & Sutliff (?)

Welp, Mac Baren almost made it to 200 years of being a family owned company. I suppose it wasn't meant to be.

I have read Mr. Wortzels justifications for decisions that are being made. Some of it absolutely makes sense. I even understand the decision to close the Sutlif facility in the US, though I lament that decision. When nearly all of your business assets and infrastructure is based in Northern Europe, why have a subsidiary 3000 miles away? Especially one that traditionally was very price competitive, and no doubt Sutlif's existence kept some of STGs prices in check. Killing off Sutlif will remove an obstacle to price increases.

After reading Wortzels posts, I fairly evaluated them with a benefit of the doubt toward STG. Then came the official list of what tobaccos will remain from the Mac Baren group. Less than 2 dozen, out of hundreds (and that's severals hundreds) of options. I now believe STG essentially just killed off a major competitor, and the purchase will more than pay for itself in increased market share and acquiring Mac Barens distribution network. I know nothing of how much smaller companies (think C&D and the like) relied on Mac Baren group (and STG) for base tobaccos, but I'm sure that is a real thing. STG can realize value from this purchase just by controlling that.

To the Victor go the spoils, and all that, but there is nothing altruistic about STGs decision for sure. But now I'm no fan of Wortzels "we were the ones that put our money up, and yes we care about pipe smokers because youll have to pry our pipes from our cold dead hands." You can be an avid pipe smoker, but still take a position that harms the pipe smoking community as a whole if pipe tobacco is your business.

At the end of the day, it's business, these things happen, and there's nothing we can do about it. I am reasonably sure there would be a buyer for Sutlif's US assets were STG inclined to offer them up. Here's me not holding my breath, betting they don't, because that would mean another competitor in a lucrative market.
Nice to see St Bruno staying available. No mention of Revor Plug though, which I believe was being produced by Mac's, despite being marketed by Gawiths. I have a few tucked away in Mylar though, so no major hardship. I don't think there was anything else on my radar from either blender.
I wish I could say the same. MacB's HH old dark fired is one of the best tobaccos I've ever had (apparently a few agree with me, its already sold out everywhere). Sutlif's early morning is good indeed (no idea if it's a good match, but it's a good tobacco). MacB's plumcake was also a very good offering. Additionally, Sutlif's match 20 (supposed to be a Dunhill 965 match) is also a good tobacco in its own right. It misses wide as far as being a match, but it is quite good as a bulk value tobacco (near $2 an ounce if you buy a pound). At least they are keeping MacB's mixture. A ,ot of good tobacco options are being laid to rest in this merger.


Remember to forget me!
I wish I could say the same. MacB's HH old dark fired is one of the best tobaccos I've ever had (apparently a few agree with me, its already sold out everywhere). Sutlif's early morning is good indeed (no idea if it's a good match, but it's a good tobacco). MacB's plumcake was also a very good offering. Additionally, Sutlif's match 20 (supposed to be a Dunhill 965 match) is also a good tobacco in its own right. It misses wide as far as being a match, but it is quite good as a bulk value tobacco (near $2 an ounce if you buy a pound). At least they are keeping MacB's mixture. A ,ot of good tobacco options are being laid to rest in this merger.

MacBaren didn't seem to have a particularly large presence over here. Mostly 40g pouches of aromatics, I think. I did try a couple of samples from the HH line, and they really weren't to my taste. I think Old Dark Fired was one I tried, but it was quite some time ago.

To the best of my knowledge, I have never tried a Sutliff tobacco, and over here, bulks are pretty much the same price as pre-packaged tobaccos. So while I understand the shock and dismay for those who had greater exposure to the products, and vastly greater differential pricing, it doesn't seem like we ever really had it to lose here. I think our available offerings will go largely unchanged, unless Scandi Tobacco streamlines their own catalogue too, but I think they already run quite lean here too, compared to their global offerings.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I have an abundance of tobacco. I have made the decision that henceforth I shall not knowingly buy any STG product. Ever.
Does STG care? Not one iota. It's not about my impact on their bottom line. It's about their impact on my conscience.
Eliminating and reducing options that are well liked and purchased frequently by pipe smokers so that STG can further monopolize the market has convinced me that personally it is the right decision.


  • Tobacco.pdf
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On the lookout for new chicks
It’s a longish video but P. Georg Jensen was recently interviewed by an Italian YouTube presenter and provided some insight and perspective of the buyout and his future as well. I watched it last night. In certain parts, you can hear in his voice the hurt of having to leave MacBaren. There is some good news; it seems that he will do a collaboration with C&D for a small batch release, seemingly later this year.

Skip ahead to about the 10min mark.



Remember to forget me!
I have an abundance of tobacco. I have made the decision that henceforth I shall not knowingly buy any STG product. Ever.
Does STG care? Not one iota. It's not about my impact on their bottom line. It's about their impact on my conscience.
Eliminating and reducing options that are well liked and purchased frequently by pipe smokers so that STG can further monopolize the market has convinced me that personally it is the right decision.

Very informative document. Cheers for that. There's only Peterson's, Orlik, and Erinmore brands that would likely be on my future buying agenda, from STG's pre-existing portfolio (as per that doc). Many of which I could find alternatives to with K&K blends with labels such as F&T, Solani, Rattrays and McConnell.

The sticking points for me, would likely be Elizabethan, Dark Flake, and Deluxe Navy Rolls. Charatan branded (produced by K&K) Victorian, Black Flake and Rolls (actually more of a "bullseye" type) are often available here, but are a lot spendier than the STG equivalents. Up to 25% more in some cases.

Then there's Erinmore Flake. I have a vast wealth of non-Cavendish aromatic flakes available to me from Gawith, but nothing that's already in a round tin, that I can just log in the cupboard for a few years. I don't know of anything similar made in Germany either.

That said, my main spending days are behind me too. I'm also of the mindset that I don't need to try to HAVE everything I like, I just need to try to be sure I LIKE everything I have. So long as I enjoy whatever I'm smoking, I'll not be sorry about whatever I'm not smoking.
I have an abundance of tobacco. I have made the decision that henceforth I shall not knowingly buy any STG product. Ever.
Does STG care? Not one iota. It's not about my impact on their bottom line. It's about their impact on my conscience.
Eliminating and reducing options that are well liked and purchased frequently by pipe smokers so that STG can further monopolize the market has convinced me that personally it is the right decision.
Thanks for the list! I didn't know about the Peterson-Rattrays connection.


Remember to forget me!
Thanks for the list! I didn't know about the Peterson-Rattrays connection.

For what it's worth, I much prefer the Sir William to the Irish Mixture. Although, I think I preferred Uni Flake over Wallace. I do have a tin each of Macbeth and Stirling Flake too, but they'll be well aged by the time I open then, and won't be a fair comparison. I didn't bother getting the aros or Latakias (from either brand).
I'm in good shape with stash going back 10 plus years. I do however like getting an ounce or two of Sutliff aros from time to time. It will not be fun for a year or so but when one goes away another will appear to take its place. Stash what you can to weather the dry spell.


On the lookout for new chicks
Jeremy McKenna of Sutliff did an interview in the Greywoodie podcast. He provided his perspective of the STG buyout and things moving forward.

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My elbows leak
Staff member
Jeremy McKenna of Sutliff did an interview in the Greywoodie podcast. He provided his perspective of the STG buyout and things moving forward.

This was mildly interesting, but to be honest - no more revealing than the speculation conversations that are currently ongoing across the pipe smoking realm.
One thing is perfectly clear: STG has created a P.R. problem for themselves.
Whether that wears off, and people forget and move on remains to be seen.
If they can withstand the initial ticked off wave of indignant pipe smokers, they'll be well positioned to have control of pricing and distribution of a large swath of pipe tobaccos.
C&D looks like they are on the cusp of a significant increase in demand.
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